"Pick a Word, Paint a Story #07"

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Greetings to all of you my Friends 💕

Hello my dear friends. I am one of your friends. My name is Kartik Agarwal. I live in India. I am going to share my daily routine with you. I like this topic very much. So let's begin without wasting time;


We all must plant a tree in our life because trees hold a lot of significance in human life. We humans absorb the oxygen released by trees and live our lives in a meaningful way. That is why trees are of great importance in every human being's life. When trees grow into trees, they provide shade. Trees fulfill the need of fuel etc. in our daily activities.

Trees tell us about the cold. Trees also protect us from heat and rain. If we take the entire thing into account, trees are a boon for us humans. I remember that in earlier times, wherever you went, there used to be huge forests of trees and people of earlier times never used to suffer from any diseases because trees prevent most of the diseases.

But nowadays some people are cutting trees in many places, due to which there is a huge shortage of trees in our India, people cut trees and trade their wood and ruin their daily life. The absence of trees is proving to be very dangerous for human life, but greedy people are not understanding anything about this. Gradually the number of trees is decreasing in our country.


Now there are no strong shady trees where a person can sit and relieve his tiredness. The level of oxygen is falling day by day in our country India. Due to this people are facing a lot of problems in their daily lives but still people are not becoming aware of this issue.

In my opinion every person should plant a tree in his life and take a pledge that no matter what happens we will not cut this tree and will make it a green tree by taking care of it. This will ensure that there is never a crisis of oxygen in our lives and every person will feel happy and healthy.

Then it is very important for us because along with shade, we also get fruits from the trees, by eating which a man can satisfy his hunger and can also stay alive for many days. Our government also keeps on making people aware through advertisements at various places that trees must be planted, but we humans do not need anyone to make us aware.


if we remain aware ourselves then the environment around us will remain very green and pleasant. Every person must take a pledge to plant trees.


I would like to invite my three friends @goodybest , deepak94 , @vishwara

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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Achievement 1

 2 months ago 

Yes, trees provide us clean air to breath. It also helps us to stay cool by providing shade. For animals and birds, it provides homes to live. It also protects the soil by preventing erosion. Therefore, it is essential to plant more trees to make the world healthier.
Thank you for participating in the contest.
