Today, I’m going with the word song.
A song isn’t just music. It’s a feeling, a memory, a little piece of time wrapped in melody. When you're feeling down, listening to a music might worsen your mood like a soft rain on a foggy day. But when you're happy? Like the wind blowing you ahead on a carefree afternoon, a song can raise you even higher.

The wonderful thing about music is that it knows just what we need to hear. At times, it seems as though a song knows us better than anyone else. Songs don't pose queries.It doesn’t judge. The device operates without care about what you feel but it always matches your emotions without fail.
You must have experienced listening to music while walking alone with earbuds when a song matching your emotions perfectly began to play. Reality transforms into something new when a perfect song unexpectedly enters your ears. The trees look greener. The sky feels wider. A music video plays around you in the present moment and transforms your current space into a personal piece of enchantment.
Among all the musical memories the most powerful ones remind us of specific individuals. A single song magically transports all of us to the memories of travelling down the road with our closest companion. No matter what you feel it does the job of bringing someone to mind that you lost. The song which played at a special time when you would like to return.
Those songs possess the power to summon memories of different individuals to our minds. One song has the power to transport you instantly to the memory of driving with your closest friend. The song which creates memories of a person who passed away. The track effortlessly evoked a particular moment you would like to experience again. Through their power songs function as time travel devices which evoke memories we believed had vanished away.
Among the musical repertoire exists songs which do not present profound meanings but serve to create positive emotions in listeners. These particular tunes make you move your neck automatically until you notice. Music arranges your feet into dance even if your body lacks rhythm skills. A car ride becomes transformed into personalized musical entertainment allowing you to experience singing while listening by these specific songs.
A song is never just a song. Songs exist as both a friendship and narrative and expressive energy which brings people to life. Certain songs have the power to become forever engravings in human memory while playing during both our greatest life thrills and most distressing experiences.
Give attention to the music you listen to in the next playing of your favorite song. The music represents a piece of what your tale entails.
Enjoying a lovely song is similar to meditating. Do you ever thought that all these magical things are done only with seven letters?
Thank you for participating in the contest.
¡Saludos amigo!🤗
A través de una canción, emprendemos un viaje de emociones mágico... En lo personal, siempre digo que por medio de una melodía podemos conectar con nuestro interior y, con la auténtica esencia de la vida. Por ello, hay que valorar los mensajes y sonidos que transmite una hermosa canción.
Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚