Fruits And Veggies Monday | When I'm lazy to cook, I just buy pre-cooked dishes or order Grab Food or take-aways
I've been cooking non-stop since I'm on my own; then again when you're just cooking for yourself, it's much more easier. So long it fills the stomach, anything goes. There are times when I'm too tired or lazy to cook but with the economic situation globally, it's best to cook than order in or eat out. I don't deny sometimes I do give myself a bit of a break; that being very rare or because it's due to work obligations.
On this day, I decided to buy some pre-cooked food from the local wet market. I knew I was going to be a potato couch and cooking was sure not in my number 1 list of things to do. I had earlier shared a post about a lady who had a stall and sold pre-cooked dishes Cruising through Market Friday Challenge | Another discovery. I stopped by her stall again today and I bought 3 packets of dishes and then I stopped by another stall and bought 1 more packet.
All 4 dishes were vegetarian which I'm quite comfortable with and something I could enjoy with a simple bowl of hot porridge and salted egg. This is definitely good hearty comfort food for the tummy and the soul as well. I'm glad I decided to buy these dishes although I have bought my provisions for the week.
Each of these dishes cost me VND10,000 = USD0.43 = MYR1.87, as such in total it only cost me VND40,000 = USD1.71 = MYR7.48. Absolutely worth it and I could eat this for at least 2 meals. It is true that life can be very affordable in this city. Not everything is as expensive as it seems; well... if you're able to accept the local and their way of lifestyle.
In some ways, I feel that I've adapted to their lifestyle and thankfully, my tummy is able to sustain the food here.😆
I'll definitely share more in my next post. Hope you enjoy my photo taken from my Huawei
Come & join FRUITS & VEGGIES MONDAY by @lenasveganliving
• Take and post at least 3 photos of fruits and vegetables. (It can be variety or just one kind from the garden, supermarket or anywhere you wish, PLANT BASED RECIPES ARE WELCOMED).
• One entry only!!!
• Text must be at least 100 words.
• Use hashtag #fruitsandveggiesmonday
• Mention the creator @lenasveganliving, the host @plantstoplanks and the title FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY