Announcement on the upcoming release of Great Voyage-v4.1.3 (Thales)steemCreated with Sketch.

in TRON4 years ago (edited)


We plan to release Great Voyage - v4.1.3(Thales) in one week, this version is a non-mandatory upgrade, You can decide whether to upgrade to the new version according to your needs.

GreatVoyage-4.1.3(Thales) is released with the following new features and modifications:

1.Core Protocol

  • Optimize the structure of account storage to improve the transaction execution speed and packing speed
    the account data needs to be read frequently during transaction execution, which involves serialization and deserialization of account. However, in addition to some necessary fields (balance, account name, etc.) in the account, there are many Asset-related fields that are not Commonly used, stripping them out can greatly increase the speed of serialization and deserialization.

    This time, move the “Asset” related fields in the account storage structure to independent storage, which improves the speed of serializing and deserializing accounts during transaction execution, thereby increasing the processing speed of transactions.

    Compared with GreatVoyage-4.1.2, through testing, after this optimization, the transaction execution speed increased by 23.26%, and the block processing speed increased by 33.91%.

  • Sorting the transactions in pending pool, SR will prioritize the transactions with high packing fee
    In GreatVoyage-4.1.2 and earlier versions, SR packaging transactions are carried out in accordance with the time sequence of the arrival of the transaction.This will easily be attacked by low transaction fees.

    After this optimization, block producers sort the transactions to be packaged according to the cost, and then prioritize the transaction with high cost to prevent low-cost transaction attacks.


  • Add new API to support transaction query in pending pool.
    It is currently impossible to query the intermediate state information of a certain transaction from after it is issued to before it is on the chain.After a transaction is sent, if it is not on the chain, we cannot know whether it is waiting for packaging or has been discarded.

    In this upgrade, the Fullnode node provides 3 API to obtain detailed information about the pending pool:

    • /wallet/gettransactionfrompending
      Obtain the transaction information from pending pool through the transaction ID
    • /wallet/gettransactionlistfrompending
      Get all transactions from the pending pool
    • /wallet/getpendingsize
      Get the number of transactions in pending pool

The account optimization of Great Voyage-v4.1.3 (Thales) will further improve the performance of the TRON public chain, the optimization of transaction packaging logic will effectively reduce low-cost attacks and greatly improve the security of the TRON public chain.



This platform is dead?

In regard to steemit? Not sure, with every ban wave or censorship event these alt-tech platforms get new life breathed into them. I still see posts being made, just looking for ones I'm interested in.

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LBRY/Odyssey is built on the BitTorrent protocal?

tron why no up

Can you please help me find out how this site works?

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