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Hello friends of Hope ..!
I think that for many people like me this is the first time they read these acronyms NFT, that is what is known as Non-Fungible Token, and I never before thought that this It could be possible since they are represented by "non-digital" assets such as works of art, pictures and paintings, photographs, even simple digital images, music files, "contracts and documents" among other elements that are very far from representing a cryptocurrency like such.
... the NFT turns these objects into assets that can be verified on the Blockchain, this characteristic increases their value and turns them into unique and perhaps even exclusive pieces. CNN
Under this premise, it is likely that many artists and professionals will be able to commercialize “their art” and their “creativity” and obtain highly significant profits when it comes to overpriced unique pieces.

Is there a difference between an NFT and Crypto Assets?

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The simplest explanation that I can provide to this question is that a Cryptoactive or cryptocurrency always maintains its value and can be exchanged by parity ratio, it will change between other Cryptocurrencies, but if we want to carry This concept to the NFTs, we will find that "these are objects" that will never have a parity relationship with each other, that is, they cannot maintain the same price between them, the art of "trading makes it a bit difficult ”With NFT.
So how would we benefit from NFTs?

Who could use NFTs?
Undoubtedly for some of us the use of NFTs could be a great difficulty, however, another significant audience if it could benefit, such as artists and creatives, is say all the people who create tangible and digital content that can commercialize "their production" without having to exhibit "their works" in galleries or promotional shows, even they would no longer need the famous exclusive shops.
In fact, there are already web portals in the market where it is possible to observe the types of NFT commercialization in real time, in the best style of digital displays such as Superrare, Nifty Gateway, Zora, Rarible and even eBay joined this novel initiative.

Do you know how to create your own NFT?

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We must always take into account that the NFT is a digital token represented by an object, since it is a token it can also be stored in a digital wallet like the ones that all We already know, and as an additional note it is necessary to inform that the NFTs that exist today are based on the Ethereum Blockchain, until now; consequently, you need to have a little more than 100 USD in Ethereum to start creating your NFT.
Then, you can resort to one of the aforementioned platforms such as Rarible where the first step is to create your wallet and after having it configured can start the creation of your NFT and you must leave a clear description of it, remember the fundamental data for a successful commercialization, and once the creative process is concluded you can within the same platform "launch it to the market" either for a simple sale or for the "auction" mode.
I am sure that soon we could find NFT creation platforms that are less complex for the user and with slightly more "friendly" commission terms.
And I even think that any of us could venture to "create and trade" an NFT, we would only need a few Ethereums to get started.
If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!
More information on this topic here

NFT will definitely be a great advantage to the art and entertainment industry since content creators can make huge cash by selling their work online. This is really a very good and explicit write up about NFT.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️
Hello @hardaeborla friend, thanks for commenting and appreciate my post..!
That you say it's totally true, and I'm thinking in selling my engineering work like NFT, it would be possible in the next future.
See you soon..!
Hello friend @tocho2.
A great article that you share with us in this opportunity, actually I had not heard of this type of token, however, it shows the rapid growth of the cryptographic world in any area of our lives, I enjoyed reading your words and maybe I dare to review in binance this type of pair ETH / NFT.
Thank you friend for such interesting information, greetings.
Hello @rbalzan79, it would be a great opportunity to invest in the future.
Thanks for commenting
Hi @tocho2, thanks for this post. I've been hearing about NFTs for a couple of months or more. It seems to me that just like cryptos have taken away that weight that in traditional markets banks have, in the same way NFTs will take away a lot of power from companies that centralize everything artistic for their own benefit, let's say that the middlemen are broken, in this one a smart contract takes care of that. But, we are still starting with all this?
I am sure that this will be the new trend in a short time and not only to commercialize art, I believe that professional work will also be denied in this way shortly.
Thanks for commenting @josevas217 friend..!
I think that NFTs have been a great solution for many artists and creators who have difficulties to find exposure for their work, or to generate better earnings from their work. I liked your article because I also had little information about it and it really sounds interesting, hopefully in the future the process will become easier so that more art creators can benefit. Greetings friend!
Hello @emiliomoron, I even think that there should already be platforms to create NFT for free or with low commissions, that makes things much easier.
Definitely it seems like NFT is the next big thing to happen in the Blockchain space or even crypto space
Your'e right @mandate, We must be attentive to this next move to see where we will make the next investments.
See you son..!
Muy buen articulo. de verdad que no había escuchado hablar NFT. Para muchas artistas o creadores le seria muy útil.
Saludos @alexandergudino, y yo creo que podrá llegar más allá del arte.
Hola,interesante post ya habìa escuchado de NFT,habìa leido someramente al respecto,mas tu post me diò un poco mas de informaciòn,he aprendido un poco mas hoy a dios gracias.Para los artistas es excelente aunque bueno no la tienen fàcil,pero me encanta la innovaciòn dentro de todo este mercado ,sigo aprendiendo,nos vemos en el camino @tocho2.
#onepercent #venezuela
Saludos @marito74, realmente los artistas enfrentaban ciertas limitaciones para exponer sus creaciones, ahora tendrán una mejor oportuniad con el NFT.
Gracias por comentar.
Nft is getting very trending in this current situation as people are more attractive to this New space , currently crypto racing is also getting heat and people are investing in that space also. We need to just open our eyes and see.
Yes @adityajainxds, we need to be very attentive to these changes to know what to invest in shortly
Thanks for commenting
Hola @tocho2 ¡¡ muy buena tu publicacion ¡¡
Creo que un NFT es una obra de arte en si y propiamente tal, que de una y otra forma simboliza el arte de las criptomonedas y las eleva a un valor que se suma al contenido del arte individual de los artistas que las vinculan a sus obras .Es una cadena de arte maravillosa de la cual creo tambien y supongo podran las obras valer 0.
Saludos y pura vida ¡¡
Saludos @sepulennto, debemos estar muy atentos a las próximas noticias sobre este tema, algo bueno puede venir dentro de poco.
Hasta pronto.
Si @tocho2 .... quiero hacer arte NFT ¡¡¡
Saludos @sepulennto, quiero estar dentro de las primeras personas en ver tu arte en NFT...!
Te felicito desde ya por esta inciativa..!
Gracias @tocho2 ¡¡ te avisare entonces cuando me atreva a liberarme ,Creo es un tendencia muy muy libre ..(claro ¡¡ independiente del abono en ETH )
Aqui te dejo otra plataforma para subir NFT
Saludos ¡¡