Decisions You That Can Affect Your Life Negatively - Part 2
Good day everyone. This is the Part 2 of this interesting, exciting and educative series, Decisions You That Can Affect Your Life Negatively. If you have not read Part 1, I suggest you do before going through with this article, by clicking here. We are where we are based on the decisions we made in our past. Sometimes, we don't know that those small decisions we make can affect what we would become in the future. And if we seek a successful and bright future, it becomes very necessary we know the decisions that could negatively affect us.
I'm here to share with you guys, some decisions which you can affect your life and future negatively. In this article I will telling you guys one decision that can affect your life negatively. Do well to enjoy the read🙂.

Not Prioritizing Yourself
A lot of us, don't make this decision of prioritizing ourselves and those that start prioritizing themselves will definitely reap the benefits of their labor. By prioritizing yourself, I mean, your ability to think of yourself and ways of improving yourself all the time. As you go about your life, you are always thinking of ways to improve yourself, because you always thinking of yourself first in everything you do. In the Part 1, I gave an instance, about a student who has an exam the next day and his friends were begging him to go to an all night with them. If that student is prioritizing himself, he will say No, because, he will first think about the effect such party will have to the success of his exam tomorrow. In that situation, he chose himself over his friends, and that's what prioritizing is simply about. Whenever you are prioritizing yourself, all your decisions will be always be to your favor, because you are always thinking of what's best for you at every situations.

We should all try as much as possible to start prioritizing ourselves today. We should prioritize our health, fitness, career, skills and our goals. If we start doing everything today, based on those things we should be prioritizing, we would be very happy of what we would become in 5 years time. The time when you wake, sleep, what you eat, everything you do, will be towards making you better, if only you can start prioritizing yourself today. Make your future bright by prioritizing your health, fitness, career, skill and goals, today.

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Decisions no matter how little they seem affect our lives on way or the other. While some people make others their priority it's just because of sentiments and ties they can't let go of
We fail to prioritize on things that are necessary in our lives and that very important thing is prioritizing ourselves and putting ourselves first in whatever we do.