Greetings dear community of @ProjectHOPE, in this opportunity I want to share with you my conceptualization about the family, I particularly think that the family is the most important value we have in life, hence the title of my writing.
The family must be considered within society as an important and essential value for any person, since they are considered the fundamental basis of the family nucleus, in their hands is to educate values and basic principles that will facilitate their life path to the children who make it up and thus they will develop their personality and emotional intelligence. The purpose of every family is that its members develop within an environment of harmony, love and warmth of home, so that in the future when they become independent they can lead a life in free autonomy, be self-sufficient and have the ability to solve the different obstacles that arise along the way.

When we talk about values we refer to the set of qualities and principles with which our members are educated in the family and therefore it is indicative of their personality within society. The family must be considered as a fundamental cell of any living being, since its members have important functions to fulfill in their environment, but before that they must be formed and educated in their family nucleus which is their main school, in it they will acquire the necessary tools to face the different adversities of destiny and manage to overcome them until they reach their desired purpose.

However, there are certain enemies that will threaten the proper functioning and development of any family, among the most important of which we have:
1. The absence of effective communication, I would dare to say that this is the determining factor for the effective growth of any family, since communication should be considered of utmost importance to be able to understand each other with those around us, so if this is inefficient, the bonds of love and understanding that keep the family together are broken and on the contrary give rise to conflicts and traumas that result in the dissolution of the family nucleus.

2. Disagreement in the parents: currently there are some families in which parents maintain a constant struggle for power in the decisions that are taken there and this added to the disavowal in decision-making in relation to children is like the icing on the cake, so the result is constant fights and arguments between the members that make it up and all as a result of poor communication between them, so they end up disintegrating.

3. Inattention and excessive work: everything in life must be under a dynamic balance, therefore nothing in excess is good, even when we work for long periods of time, this brings as a consequence that you end up neglecting your family and therefore you miss unique moments in it that you will not be able to recover, which causes frustration and resentment that eventually causes a breakup.

4. Addictions: this is also one of the determining factors in every family and is that we currently live in a world where technology is booming and therefore is included more than it should in our environment, because when sharing the table it is common that its members are stuck in their phones and do not share this time as pleasant as it is the food or sometimes they are immersed in the TV, the internet or a video game so they do not even sit at the table with other members, this totally disconnects them from the world and does not allow them to realize the valuable time they are losing, the internet or a video game so they do not even sit at the table with their other members, this totally disconnects them from the world and does not allow them to realize the valuable time they are missing.

Family should be considered as the most valuable treasure you have or better said family is everything in life do not allow these enemies to steal your most precious treasure, enjoy your loved ones spread in them excellent principles and values that make them excellent human beings and better people every day that can face and overcome with great courage the obstacles that may arise throughout their lives.
Rosales, Ángela María. (2016). The importance of the family in children's development. Source:
Pérez Castillo, Mayra. (2021). ¿Happy families? These are the two main enemies. Source:

Hello @sidalim88!
The family is a blessing, each of its members are important and should be devoted the necessary time to share, talk and many other things. Unfortunately today there are many fractured families for all the reasons that you present, so as you say well should not allow these enemies to invade the family and disturb their welfare.
hello @sidalim88,
the family constitutes one of the pillars of society, if a society puts the family first, this society will be prosperous. the states that promote policies that are directed to the welfare of the family, will be a society that advances and prospers, but if on the contrary, the anti-values are allowed to settle in the family, the society will be irremediably affected.
Hello friend @sidalim88
From my point of view the family is sacred is the most important thing we can have in life, unfortunately today there are many families that can not be together for obvious reasons because the pandemic that covers us has been responsible for dividing it, the family has always been listed as a very precious treasure, so friends the most important thing is to enjoy our family to the fullest.
Greetings and thanks for sharing your article
There is no doubt that the family is the nucleus of society, that is why from school and many organizations promote the importance of the family, that is where we learn our main values, which determine our behavior in the rest of society, so as a society we must protect and educate families.
Greetings @ sidalim88
The family is the central axis of the human being, in it you can acquire behaviors, personality, education, among many values some good and some bad , but the important thing is that it is the essential basis for the development of man and woman.
Thank you very much for sharing