in Project HOPE3 years ago


Warm greetings my dear community of @ProjectHOPE, today I am pleased to share with you some tips that you can follow in this new year, in order to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.


All new beginnings are sometimes difficult and even more so if we start from scratch and with few alternatives, the secret really for the search of this new purpose is to fix our attention on what we want to achieve and for this I will quote two bible verses written by the Apostle Paul from the book of Philippians 3:13-14 that says:

“Brethren, I myself do not claim to have already attained it; but one thing I do: forgetting indeed what lies behind, and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

In these short lines there are some interesting secrets that I learned during this month from my spiritual guide and that today I am going to share with you, the keys are to let go of the past, extend to the goal and continue until we achieve what we long for. Next I will develop a little more each of these tips.


1. Time to let go: in the struggle to achieve our dreams we have gone through a series of difficult tests and obstacles that undoubtedly sometimes result in demotivation in pursuing our dreams, that is where we must let go of those bad experiences that mark us and cause a certain level of frustration, we must continue and not give up and in the opposite case when we achieve part of our goals, we must not be conformist and stay there stuck in that dream, but we must persevere for much more.

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The problem is not really what goals have been achieved or not, but the strategies you are using to achieve it, if you have to leave behind loved ones, special places, your home, work and much more, you must let go, the apprehension to the material and sentimental is usually the most difficult obstacle to overcome and if your success is not there is that it is time to open your wings and fly to success.

2. Extending forward: when we try things over and over again, we come to think that we were not born to be someone successful and great in life, therefore we are wrong, perseverance is a quality that you should not stop practicing because to grow we must have a growth mindset and want to have more without reaching the limit of ambition. In the same way, we must take action, because with the simple fact of wishing we will not achieve our goals, we must develop a plan, establish resources and set a certain time of execution. Remember that if you are diligent you will achieve and prosper in what you propose, on the contrary if you are lazy and just want to have nothing.

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Every great effort in life has its reward, because the same size that you make an effort, the same size will be your blessings, when we put our best efforts to carry out a project this comes out perfect, on the contrary if you do it just to get out of the way without taking into account the small and big details you will not be well rewarded.

3. Proceeding to the goal: in order to reach that final line, it must go hand in hand with our professional or personal growth and in turn will be related to the setting of that goal. We must be clear about what we want in life, because without a purpose in life would be to be in a drifting ship that has no port to reach. Do not give up on this long road full of journeys and trust in yourself above all, even when those around you tell you that you can not do it, you can make a difference and change their opinions.

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The importance of having goals is that they give meaning to your life, they help you become a disciplined person and be reflective when making decisions, when you cross that final line they bring you positive changes and a lot of satisfaction, even if you have to leave your comfort zone, trust that later will come the expansion to success.


Decide to start this year 2022 with the right feet and taking into account these small but very thoughtful tips and I assure you that your life will achieve great purposes. To do this you just have to let go of what is hindering you on the road to success, even if they are material or sentimental things and bring you an emotional attachment, keep in mind that this does not allow you to grow, work hard on the development of a good plan, be organized and set a date and time to execute it until you reach the final prize that will be your great reward.

Until next time, dear readers, I hope you take these comments into account.


Reina-Valera 1960 ® © Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina, 1960. Renewed © United Bible Societies, 1988. Source:


Thanks for this amazing post. For we to get goals achieved we have to make sure that we are dedicated in whatsoever thing that we are doing if not we will still end up in the place where we started. Principles is needed in all we do, nice post.

Hello @sidalim88

Forgetting the past time is not easy, but forgetting the setbacks of the past is something necessary if we want to move forward with firm steps in the present.

Best regards, be well.

Life always gives multiple opportunities, so you can always start again, very important your contribution, greetings and thanks for sharing.

Perseverance is the key to success, in life we should never get to a point where we think that we are not born to be great in life.

Excelente publicación los las metas siempre se cumplen proyectandonos y marcando los puntos que queremos sobrepasar para llegar a ello, la constancia y dedicación son claves. Es por ello que siempre hay que estar en constante actividad y no caer en el sedentarismo.
Saludos @mileidys1234