Why do we feel more and more alone?

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It is really the loneliness and individualism that predominates for humanity in these times of modernity.

Loneliness is a complex subject to deal with, since feeling alone is not the same as being alone, a person can be alone but feel as if he were accompanied, on the other hand another person can be with many people by his side and at the same time feel alone, a third case can occur, which is when we are really alone and we feel alone.

In today's modernity it is very easy to understand that has spread a stimulus to individualism, where we give preference to material possessions, which distances us from the fact of being able to give importance to social development, where what is really important is to share with other people, it is a fact that can be felt, notice that today with the development of artificial intelligence and robotics robots are being designed to keep the human being company.

What are we approaching every time we aspire to modernity?

As I mentioned, as we approach the advancement of artificial intelligence and robotics, the more we move away from human coexistence, this isolates us, makes us be alone and feel alone, we currently spend more time on smartphones and social networks than sharing with our family, without realizing that this is a situation that makes us feel alone, and that in the end will make us lose confidence to lead a socially active life.