In what part of our being does true suffering occur?

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What we human beings suffer is not a product of the bad that happens in our environment, but rather it is the suffering that our mind processes the bad that happens around us.

This makes us think that, even if something bad happens to us we can be free of suffering, it all depends on the way our mind processes the bad that comes from the outside, we can suffer in a context where no one else sees pain, then:

Do we only suffer in our imagination?

Well yes, not in all cases, but it can happen that all the conditions are given to be well, but we suffer because our thinking at that moment is apt for us to suffer.

The reality that we live not all the time is what our interior expresses, even there are people that perhaps to our understanding should feel bad or at least manifest pain, but far from that reality they are happy, because they have adapted their thought to their reality to be different from the one that their thought processes.

It is important then not to pass judgment and condemn people for having pain when perhaps for us they should not manifest pain, nor pass judgment before knowing that a person in bad conditions may not manifest pain.

The power of the mind can become the most incomprehensible thing that the human being can try to understand, we can adapt it to any condition to avoid a reality that does not favor us.