Why Lose Yourself To Be Another Person?

in Project HOPE20 days ago

In this era, a lot of people have been submerged in the thoughts of becoming like someone else, maybe their celebrity idols, and they end up losing their own personality. It is not bad to be motivated by someone else, but you should understand that you are two dissimilar personalities and you cannot become them. If you try to be someone else, you will only end up achieving a second position or simply a copy, but neither a first position nor the original. But when you work on your own personality to be better, then you can be the best of your own "you."


Image from Pexels

In one of the news that made the headlines some weeks back, a young lady was arrested for indulging in some unwholesome things. When she was interrogate and investigated, it was found out that she acted under pressure from what she had seen on social media. This age of social media technology has opened the world, particularly the youths to many things - celebrity lifestyle, etc. So in a bid to feel belonged, a lot of the young ones want to copy what they have seen on the media and when they cannot afford it, they may resort to some other ways. This is because they simply want to become someone else.

It is worthy to note that every individual has a dissimilar personality and destination, so trying to be them might just put you under unnecessary pressure. You may even stand the risk of losing what you have in the quest to find what you cannot have. You need to know that the person that you want to copy has their own strengths and weakness, same as you, but you might not even know about theirs. The areas of their strength may be a weakness for you and your own strength might also be their weakness, so it is pointless trying to be like someone you do not even know their strengths and weakness.

One of the things that I have understood about life is that you are not in competition with anyone. If at all you are in competition, then it is with yourself to be better. Do not allow what you see about others to put you in pressure to try to pattern your life to look like them. Ironically, the people you are wishing like and even trying to model your life after are not even perfect, you may even be better than a lot of them. When you focus more on yourself and building up the kind of person you are to be, you will become better than you were, not trying to copy others.


Image from Pexels

If the energy you expend in trying to be someone else is channelled into something better - like working on yourself, you will be surprised that you will not need to wish to be like them because you would have already been better than them. Why a lot of people wish to be like someone else is because they do not know who they really are and the abilities that lie within them. This is part of the reasons behind the struggles that are experienced by some people. Imagine a baby bird wishing to be like a fish or to learn to swim, whereas they are not built for the water but for the air. The bird will live its life feeling down because it cannot swim. But when it knows that it is built for the air, it will realise its purpose.

If you try to be someone else and you end up no being them, which is almost certain, it can create a feeling of sadness and depression. As a matter of fact, one of the leading causes of depression among the young ones in this era is the feeling of disappointment that arise from not being able to become like someone else or replicate what they see in them. A lot of people now judge success by what they see in others and not by being better than themselves. Success is not a one-time event but a continuous progression to be better.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


There is no benefit been a carbon copy. Actually the best thing is we should let things to work out well the way we want it to work out in due seasons. There is no point trying to force things out to work. We should just be real and be ourselves

Well said. We should be real.
Thanks for coming around buddy