The Assurance Of Hope
One of the things that keep an individual going even when it seems like every other thing is against them is the assurance of hope. No matter what is happening around you, even if it may look negative on the outside, the truth is that everything will get better. In fact, as long as there is life, then whatever can be can still be, and for that, there is still hope. There is always a possibility of things getting better even if it does not look like it. When you have this mind, then you will not give up even when life knocks you down, because it is definitely not a knockout.

There was something adorable that happened very many years ago where we lived, which explained the concept of hope to me. There was a particular mango tree behind the compound, which served the entire neighborhood during the season of mango because it produced well. For some reasons, the tree needed to be cut down to allow for a particular work to be done around the site. Well, the tough choice had to be made and the tree was cut down. We left the neighborhood. However, a few years after that, about 4 to 5 years later, something adorable happened.
I passed by that same neighborhood and decided to drop by to greet the locals before I continued on my journey. Awesomely enough, the same mango tree that was cut down about 5 years before that time had already grown back and started to produce fruits. In fact, it was like it had more fruits than it ever did. Out of curiosity, I asked what happened, and then I was told that after the tree was cut down, then the raining season came and then it started to bud again and that was how it started growing. At that point, I realized that hope is never lost as long as you do not give up. What everyone thought was over for the tree did not stop it from growing back. You will agree with me that giving up is only but a choice, but as long as you do not give up, then there is hope of making it through.
In life, then journey to your dreams may not be smooth and at some points, you may even feel like giving up, but do not lose sight of hope. Once your hope is not tampered with, then everything is not lost. No one has lost everything until the very essence of living - which is hope, is lost. You need to keep your mind positive and agree within yourself not to give up on hope. Once the situations of life does not get to your mind, then you can still pull through. The very first attack of what is happening is at the mind. But when you resolve not to allow negativities, then everything will be fine. In order to maintain your hope, there are things you need to observe to do, and we shall take a look at them.
Firstly, you need to focus more on the destination and what you want to achieve, not the difficulties along the road. When you know what you want to achieve and focus on that, then nothing will distract your hopes. Keep your mind on the goal and then give it all it takes. For a student for example, the goal may be to finish with a very good grade. What they need to do is to focus on that goal and then keep studying hard. Even in the midst of challenges, they will not give up because they have a target to meet, which is to graduate with a very good grade. When you focus on the result, the process will not weary you. More so, it is because of the assurance of light at the end of the tunnel that makes going through it not tiring.

In addition to focusing on the destination, you also need to carry a positive mentality. How you view the world around you and the world at large, will determine the direction your life will go. When you focus on the good things of life, you will not be swayed or knocked off by the challenges that come your way. You have to understand that hope comes with a positive mentality. So in order to boost your hopes of better things, you have to condition your mind to always maintain a positive view of life and also to look at the good sides of everything that happens.
The last point to take note of, to help build your hopes is to company with friends that are also hopeful about life. Hanging with people that will speak positivities into your life and spark up hope is a blessing that cannot be denied. If your friends are not leading you towards the path of hope, then you need to change them.
Thanks for reading
Great motivational content you have dropped here, hope is what keeps dreams alive and with hope we can hang on and hold on to a better tomorrow.
Thanks dear Bimbo. Your are appreciated
We must learn to live with hope. Even though it might not be producing result right now, I am so sure and certain that everything will definitely work out well in due season as I am so sure of that
That's right. Thanks buddy Adese
Hope is really a powerful emotion. That's a beautiful blog!
Sure it is. Thanks friend