Paying The Price Of Goodness And Rightness

in Project HOPE6 days ago

A few days back, one of my friends made a statement which made a lot of meaning to me. He said that "if you think it is difficult doing the right thing, then try doing the wrong thing and see which one is more difficult." Some people may think that paying the price of goodness and rightness may be huge, but the price of doing wrong is greater and at the end, it will come with negative consequences. In life, you have a choice of either to do good or do wrong, but whichever one you decide to do will definitely have their effects which you will not have a choice but to bear.


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While I was in school , there was this particular student who, by virtue of his upbringing, has a lot of resources at his disposal. His parents were top political office holders and this gave him some financial advantage over a lot of his classmates. It was as if this entered his head and instead of focusing on his studies, he was going about partying when he should be studying. Sadly enough, many others who did not have such edge also joined him in partying and not on their studies. By the time the exam timetable was out, that was the time they tried to get serious and to rush everything.

The school had attendance criteria which means that each student will have to fulfil a minimum requirement of class attendance to even qualify to sit for the exam. Sadly, the guy and his cliques did not meet the criteria and they failed the semester. The guy's parents withdrew him and then registered him in a private university and he continued from the same level because they could afford it. But the other people who he lured into the same lifestyle had to repeat the session and paid extra school fees because they could not afford the private university.

They did not bend down to pay the price of studying and they paid a bigger price at the end. The little price that they would have paid in the pursuit of their academics to get excellent result was not paid and they ultimately faced a much bigger price - the price of regret. This reminds me of the wise words of one of my mentors; "you either pay now and play later, or the reverse becomes the case." That is; if you play when you should pay, then you will have to pay in the hard way when you should play.

The benefits of paying the price of rightness are so many. Even to live within the demands of the law is easier and better than breaking the law. When someone does something that is legally wrong, it may bring temporary pleasure at the moment, but when the law catches up with the person, they will be made to bear the consequences of what they have done and they will realise that doing good and living rightly actually makes life easier. One of my friends humorously made a remark that it is even economical to be be right than to be bad. He also added that it is more expensive now to be wayward.


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When you follow the path of good, then good will come to you. But if you choose to trail the path of wrongdoings, then you have opened up yourself to bad things. Even if you do not see the immediate benefits of being good and living rightly, it will come in the future. It is worthy to note that, at the end, there will be a clear distinction between the people that did well and those that did not. So have the motivation to do good, knowing that one day, it will speak positively for you. More so, there is a kind of peace that comes into the mind when you know that you are living rightly. It may cost you some things, like friends, acquaintances, momentary enjoyment, etc, but these are the sacrifices that you need to pay in the present so as to secure the future. Always have this fact in mind, as I conclude with it; it is how you have lived in the present moment that will determine how your future will be created.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


I have actually come to discover that it does not take anything to be kind and our society most especially the world of humanity needs our kind act to change the world. Years ago, I always think till you have much before you can be kind but not.

Our world will be a better place to be if only all of us can practice that act of rightfulness whereby you are so cautious of what you are doing whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong for humans and the society in general

Well said. You don't need to have too much before you are kind, everyone can be kind.
Thanks buddy