Ideas As The Seeds Of The Mind

in Project HOPE2 months ago

I once attended a seminar which was held by our campus union some years back and one of the speakers made a very striking statement that I still remember till now, he said "ideas are to the mind what seeds are to the farm." After that seminar, I realized that one needs to create their own ideas if they want to leave an impact in the world. Everything that is great today once started as an idea in the mind. The mind has an almost infinite ability to create unimaginable ideas. In fact, you are the limit to the ideas you can create. You need to put your mind to use by creating ideas with it.


Image from Pexels

A very many years ago, people created the ideas that humans will one day leave the earth. It looked insane because it had never been done before. However, after some years, the ideas became actualized. In fact, in this era, humans now leave the earth to the space and come back at will. Everyone may be given a mind and the ability to create ideas, but the extent to which you put your mind to use is entirely up to you, and the idea you create is your absolute prerogative. When creating ideas and dreaming, you need to dream big so that it will motivate you to take the required actions and to pursue it with everything it takes. No one knows your idea like you do, so you are the one to determine its realisation.

Just like a seed that needs to be planted before it can grow, your ideas also have to been worked on for them to become something tangible. In fact, two people can have the same idea, but when it comes to the implementation, the difference in their approach will be what will produce different results. It does not stop at just dreaming and creating ideas, you need to begin to put work into it and the required actions. You will be surprised that the same idea you have is not just coming to you but many others too, so you need to act on yours so that you can see the result. As much as creating an idea is personal, so also the implementation. You will not expect your idea or your dream to act on itself, the action is yours to be taken.

You have to understand that ideas do not remain constant because eras change and new trends emerge. There is a time that you will waste and the idea, which looked so brilliant and mind-blowing, will become obsolete. This is why you have to try to give prompt action to your ideas. As a matter of fact, timing is a very big determinant of the actualization of an idea. The more you delay to take actions, the less viable the potential action will be. That is, if you are to take actions today and you procrastinate it till tomorrow, it may render the action less valid when you want to take it. If a blacksmith does not strike the iron when it is blazing hot, but delays until it cools down, the strike may become ineffective. This also happens when you delay to act on your ideas.


Image from Pexels

When you see a farmer plant his seeds, you will notice that he normally makes effective use of timing. There are seeds that need to be planted in the raining season, and if this timing is missed or if he delays till the dry season to plant them, the action may not yield any positive result. One of the reasons why a lot of people's actions do not seem to produce the required result is not because they are not putting in the right action, but because they missed the right timing. If you have a dream or you have conceived an idea, you should know that the right time to take action towards what you have conceived in your mind is immediately.

It is true that you may take an action and it may not deliver as you had conceived the idea, but it does not mean that your idea is not feasible, but maybe it demands a different approach. You do not need to gave up at the first attempt; you need to employ persistence and perseverance when acting on your dreams. However, when acting on your ideas, you do not have to repeat the same action that did not work at the first time and hope for it to work. If you want a different result, then you need to take an entirely different action or at least do things differently.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all