Choosing Daily Happiness

in Project HOPE2 months ago

One of the things that I have come to realise about life and about happiness is that, more often than not, happiness is not based on some external factors or on circumstances but on pure choice. Someone may be gifted with $100 and they will be so happy and glad that the money came. While someone else may be gifted with $500 and they will be sad that it was not up to $700. The later got more, yet was not happy because the expectation was not met, while the former was happy that at least, they got something. You see, their level of happiness was not as a result of what has happened but how they have responded and welcomed it. This is to prove to you that happiness is majorly a product of your choice.


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It is true that life may throw a form of challenge on your way, but your response will determine if you will find joy in it or not. If you wait for when everything will be perfect or for when someone will make you happy before you become happy, then you will wait in futility. You have to understand that you have the absolute responsibility to make the choice to be happy and to create your happiness. Of course, it is how you deal with life and with what happens that will determine if your day will be full of happiness or not. Remember that in life, you may not have most of what you have ever wanted, but you have a choice to make the most of the ones you have.

In order to have daily happiness, there are things that you need to understand and bear in mind. Firstly, you have to understand that true happiness actually comes from within. It is true that external accomplishments and other achievements - like money, new job, career success, etc, may bring a level of happiness, but when you talk about true and lasting happiness, then you should know that it comes from the heart. Even with the external achievements, if you are not contented in life, it might not even bring true happiness to you, so you have to look beyond all these. When you are contented with life and with what you have, it will unleash a level of happiness within you and remove desperation from you.

Another thing that you need to bear in mind is that having a heart of gratitude also helps one to find true happiness. A lot of what you think you have achieved are just product of privileges, and as such, you should learn gratitude. When you are grateful with even the little things that you receive, you will stay happy. When you focus your attention on the blessings that you have received, even if they may look small, it will help you to see that life is actually good and it will shift your attention from what you think is lacking. Focusing on the good side of life helps to keep you in a happy mood.


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In addition to this, you need to find joy in whatever you do even in the commonest and banal tasks. Instead of seeing the common tasks that you do as boring, rather see them as something to add to your joy. Even in your workplace, try to mix you tasks with joy. After all, the work is what is putting food on your table and you actually laboured to get the work, so be happy about what you do. Even if it is not what you had wished for, but as least you have left where you used to be. When you keep yourself happy and joyous, you will condition your mind to see more of opportunities. Opportunities fly around, but your mind has to be receptive for you to make the most of them.

Another way to find your daily dose of happiness is to stay around happy people. By coming in contact and interacting with people who have a happy soul, it will also rub on you and you will become happy. The people you stay with will influence your personality. If you want to stay off sadness, then you have to avoid people who always bring sad news and who make you happy. Remember that your life is yours and anyone who is not adding positively to your life should not be part of your life.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all