Sometimes we have to reset our mind to start over again

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, in many occasions we feel so full of activities that our mind and time are completely hung up, and in that moment in a metaphorical way we can only reset our mind to start again, with a fresh mind and ready to plan in the best way for our physical-emotional wellbeing.

Throughout every day we accumulate many aspects that overload our mind, and that fatigues us to such an extent that we feel overwhelmed and begin to get angry at everything and everyone, this should turn on our internal alarms of our body especially our thought center, and begin to ask ourselves why our anger or discomfort and thus we will focus on the cause.

It is important that we do not make the mistake of accumulating actions of anger one after another, this does us much harm both to us and to the people around us, if we do not believe that we ourselves can self-evaluate it would be necessary to rely on someone we trust and that gives us his point of view, and that observes our daily behavior, often the people around us observe us and keep our actions until the time comes to tell us.

When we feel an overload of internal anger, the best thing to do is to verbalize our own thoughts to call us to calm down in order to maintain our serenity and in this way not to continue complicating ourselves, on the contrary, it is important to do breathing exercises and muscle relaxation, this helps us a lot to keep calm and thus our emotional balance, which in the end is what matters the most to us.

We must always keep in mind that the most important things in life are all those actions that make us happy and we must put aside those that have the opposite effect and when we feel oversaturated in all senses we must reset our mind and start again but calmly and above all with inner peace.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.


What you said is the truth. We surely have to rest sometimes to be able to reset the system.

Hello friend, sometimes we are so busy that we need to restart our mind and with it our thoughts. Thank you for your words. Greetings.

Hello @rbalzan79, It will always be good to do this reset of our mind, either to relax a little or to embark on a new path with those things that satisfy us and make us feel better.
Practicing the "mental reset" is healthy and is a tool that can lead us to success.

Hi friend @tocho2, no doubt you are absolutely right in what you express:

It will always be good to do this reset of our mind.

I think that at some point we will be collapsed with so many things we do and that is where we have to reset our mind to clear our ideas and continue with our tasks and goals set to achieve success. Thank you for your excellent comment. Best regards.

hello @ rbalzan79
Sometimes it is important to do a self analysis , stop everything and start from scratch , that will allow us to seek and find new ways to achieve the goals , it is also important that when we are not happy with something of us seek happiness from another start
thank you very much for sharing

Hi @dgalan.

You are absolutely right in what you share with us where it is important to highlight the following:

Sometimes it is important to do a self-analysis , stop everything and start from scratch , that will allow us to seek and find new ways to achieve the goals.

I think the same way. Thank you for your extraordinary words. Greetings.

When we feel an overload of internal anger, the best thing to do is to verbalize our own thoughts to call us to calm down in order to maintain our serenity and in this way not to continue complicating ourselves

This is a very important thing to do, especially reminding ourselves that we are a good peaceful people. Otherwise we'd be carried away with our emotional response to situations.

I listened to a speaker one time who talked about a topic, the topic is "TALK TO YOURSELF", he mentioned that when you have no one around to motivate you, you should call yourself to other, this produces more result than being externally motivated.

It will always be important to constantly clarify our ideas and be clear about who we are so that we know ourselves in depth and know when to reset our minds to move forward in the best possible way. Thank you for your great comment. Regards.

Hello @rbalzan79!

I can tell that what you have said really touches the truth and actually my current reality. Nowadays I've been accumulating many things and tasks to do and actually stressing myself more than I should with tasks and that makes me feel like I'm always short of time. As you said that will lead to anger and that's right as I always pretend to be alright and good so I won't share any negative energy yet sometimes there are those small things that can easily trigger my anger in an abnormal way.

Thanks for sharing this post, a great reminder for me to take care more of my mental health.

Hi friend, thanks for sharing with us your important point of view:

I can say that what you have said really touches the truth and actually my current reality. Today I come accumulating a lot of things and tasks to do and in fact I stress myself more than I should with the tasks.

The same thing happens to me because of so many daily activities that I have to carry out, however, at a certain moment I have to reflect and they weigh on my emotional health and that of my family. Greetings.

You're so correct. Sometimes one just has to turn everything off and calm down, in order to reset one's mind. The pressure of our daily activities could get overwhelming a times. And the fact is that when you calm down, and reset your mind - you perform your task faster and more efficiently when you return to it.

Excellent words that you share with us where it is important to highlight the following:

The pressure of our daily activities can become overwhelming at times. And the fact is that when you calm down and reset your mind, you perform your task faster and more efficiently when you return to it.

So, my friend, when we feel exhausted, we need to reboot our mind to start with new energy. Greetings and thanks for your great comment.