The deception of the "Stable Job"

in Project HOPE5 years ago

I think there is a big flaw in the issue of personal finance, most have not been educated about it and the current situation with the pandemic has allowed us to see that this is increasingly true. Having a job that seemed "stable " made most people not look for other options and become dependent only on that weekly or biweekly income.

I can understand that starting a business has a high cost, not only economically, at least most traditional businesses, but it requires preparation, some degree of knowledge in some areas that many believe they cannot master. It requires the management of a staff, if this is the case and all that it implies, as well as getting into the legal field with the respective permissions that may be easy to get in some places but not in others.



A wave of situations to solve by which many prefer to stay away from a venture and seek that job security, limited to a salary, but to a large extent we have been educated with the hourly criteria, and many times breaking with that is often difficult for a large part of the population.

But, everything has its pros and cons, many of these people who enjoyed specific hours, and who counted on their salary every certain time, did not take the time to foresee this type of current context, in which jobs have been reduced and many have even disappeared, and they do not have that fifteen and last one, they are very probably in a very complicated situation.

Because it also happens that those same people who have their Secure Salary (or had it) acquire debts counting on that income, and in that way they are spending it before acquiring it, long before having it in their hands. They are not concerned in general to create a savings, or make a good investment in something that could generate a daily income, weekly, biweekly or semiannual, something that somehow could generate a steady income in the future to serve to survive or even to have a good income.

There is a lot to learn, no doubt, but learning and trying to progress in these current world conditions can be much more complex, limiting a little the possibility of progress, if there are more difficult debts everything is done. Of course, I must stress that even so, regardless of the complications we might have, there is always the opportunity to learn, to grow.

But it's never too late*, there's always time to look for a different stability than the one we can get with what I've decided to call the *Stability Job.

Thank you very much for your reading, any opinions about it I would like to read in the comments.

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Most people get used to that kind of work first, because it is easier or more comfortable and second because that is how we were educated, society is systematized in having its fifteenth and last one every month, it is easier to be an employee than a business owner. I am not saying that this is ideal, everyone has their own way of seeing life, there will be those who were not born to undertake others, but the ideal would be to have a second income in case the main one fails.

A young man who had a stable salary before the pandemic narrated how the sudden pandemic has thought him so much lesson about his finance, now he tries to juggle between two jobs, it might not even be having a business but the point is having several sources of income.

this is an important point @ben-edom
Certainly having several incomes is the way to guarantee that there will always be something, or at least that is expected.
If one fails, well, there are still others that generate an income.
Thanks for your comment

This time when covid pandemic is going on the people who had businesses are badly affected. Even salaried are affected but not like the businessmen. As you rightly said that a business start needs lots of things but job

Yes, we are all affected by this situation here.
And it seems to have no end, not for now.
But we must learn from this.
Thank you for commenting @reeta0119

Be your own boss, now is the perfect time to take risks, a whole economic shuffle is taking place in front of us. Capitalize on it and get out of your comfort zone.

Yes, it's a good time, there are options.
I particularly got out of my comfort zone a long time ago, and I'm not complaining, but there are a lot of people who are having a hard time with all this.

Hello @josevas217, I think the lack of financial education has led to many people being wage earners and only dependent on one job, without motivating themselves to generate an enterprise that allows them to have another economic entry. Today, the pandemic has left many wage earners in a difficult situation, some of them bewildered without knowing what to do. Thanks again an excellent post !

I totally agree, buddy @amestyj
The lack of financial education is a big problem. But nowadays there are no excuses to keep making the same mistakes, there is a lot of material on the internet that allows us to learn.
Thank you for commenting

Very well said.
There is always a chance of loosing stability and you must have something else in your pocket even when you are stable.
I agree with you totally ❤

Hi @josevas217

starting a business has a high cost, not only economically, at least most traditional businesses, but it requires preparation, some degree of knowledge in some areas that many believe they cannot master.

certainly starting a business is not easy and it need lots of things to start but starting with job is not that much. A business can be more profitable depending upon its growth but a job has its limitation in the form of salary.

Thanks for sharing a nice post.

Hi @alokkumar
A business may not be for everyone, because it involves many things. But it's certainly worth it.
Thank you very much for the support.

My friend @josevas217 as soon as I read the title of your post I felt identified, with the work I had I thought I had a job stability, but that stability was destabilized with the covid-19 pandemic, now we just need to predict the future and see what are the future jobs that are coupled with this new life that we have to face with the covid-19.

very good your analysis, i hope to read you soon. Greetings

To get ahead one must be resourceful and flexible. Resourceful enough to create multiple revenue streams and flexible enough to meet the challenges presented. Growth does not occur in a straight line. Sometimes we falter and meander awhile before we get our footing again.