The world is not grey or dark

in Project HOPE4 months ago



The world is not grey or dark, it is a burst of colour! It is normal to feel discouraged at times, even to want to disappear in the face of the adversities that life throws at us.

However, there are always reasons to smile. We can take a walk and look with kind eyes at our surroundings. If you don't like what you see, just look up; who doesn't love the blue sky and the white clouds that turn colourful at sunset?

Look at the flowers that dare to bloom wherever there is a bit of earth, and the trees and fungi that form a vast community communicating beneath the ground.

It is all wonderful. I know it is easy to talk about happiness from the comfort of a warm bed and a full fridge. It is much more complicated to do so from the uncertainty of not knowing what will be for dinner that night, especially for those who have the responsibility of bringing food to the table.

How many people right now face the bitter uncertainty and helplessness of not being able to resolve situations beyond their control.

I am reminded of my grandmother's wise words: we must not worry about tomorrow, each day has its own agenda. God does not abandon the birds of the field, and he will not abandon us either, as long as we have a grain of faith.

We must cultivate hope and thankfulness for what we have, no matter how small. How many of us are thankful for that morning coffee or for the simple miracle of breathing?

Life can be hard, but it becomes unbearable if our thoughts focus only on the negative. If we strive to see the good, life is transformed.

Let us look with nobler eyes, love more, laugh more and be thankful more. Then, little by little, we will be happier
