What Larry Silverstein Would Want You To Learn About Wealth

in Project HOPE7 days ago

I listened to an interview with Larry Silverstein, Yea, the guy who owned the world trade center in New York City. He is a billionaire, and he is 93 years old currently. In the interview, he was asked a few questions and trust me, he answered them with humor and precision even for his age.

He mentioned that he feels his age, since it is quite impossible to the 90+ years and not feel your age. He mentioned that he has worked all his life and he still does. He used the word working his tail off to explain how well he worked and how much he loves to work.

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He was able to acknowledge that in his lifetime, he has met different classes of people who are fascinating, have different structure, different views and orientations, but in all he said one thing he will admire from people is the ability to be patient, the willingness to invest time, energy, effort, and money into something that might not bring forth result immediately. He emphasized on the fact that everything he owned, he ensured it was gotten step by step and he wasn't someone who was fascinated with quick result. Him reaching where is his today took him 65 years of hard work, so if he see someone who is willing to achieve it in a day or a year, then all he can do is wish them good luck.

Going forward, he touched on an important decision for a person in life and he said the most important decision a person makes is their Spouse. He mentioned that getting the wrong spouse is a time bomb waiting to detonate and cause a disaster while picking the right partner is fantastic. At his age, he mentioned that when he looks back, he realizes that everything he owns is meaningless, the money, his net worth, the number of books he has written but his spouse and his family is everything he has.

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He mentioned that aside money, it is important that we hold on to our purpose on earth which is to make other people better positively. Helping one person at a time would make the world a better place. He mentioned that young people are really concern about other people's judgement of them, how they perceive them and what they do but in reality, unless you commit a crime, nobody really cares about your life. For those who have opinion, the opinions are just an obstacle to impede you being who you want to be. Nobody likes you more than they like themselves, so they would rather worry about themselves rather than worry about you.

Set a goal and achieve them because when you are old, you will realize them that you are happy because you were able to accomplish it but when you do not have goals, you will realize that you just lived life as it came leaving you with much regrets.


You are perfectly right. It is really necessary to set goals and work towards achieving them