Next September 22 we have vertical to the Sun at 3:20 pm.

in Project HOPE3 years ago



On September 22, 2021 between three o'clock and twenty o'clock in the afternoon, Mother Earth, our planet, will be totally vertical, without inclination in the plane of the Equator. It is the so-called Autumnal Equinox, a phenomenon that will cause day and night to last the same length of time.

The Sun will rise fully east will follow the Equator line and set fully west (nine o'clock). The Sun, on the line of the Equator at the zenith hour will be totally over the observer's head, in both hemispheres the sunlight will be projected equally. Each pole will be at the same distance from the Sun.

This parent star will have a static effect at the polar extremes, neither rising, nor reaching the zenith, nor setting, while on the equatorial line it follows vertical trajectories.

This occurs twice a year, on March 20 or 21 and on September 22 or 23. The first is called the vernal or spring equinox, the second the autumnal equinox. It is at this time when the ''parallel of declination'' and the plane of the celestial equator coincide, the Sun ''places'' in the equatorial plane.

At the vernal or spring equinox the North Pole passes from six months' night to six months' day, the northern hemisphere from winter to spring. The South Pole goes from six months day to six months night, the southern hemisphere from summer to autumn.

At the autumnal equinox the North Pole begins on the six-month day, the South Pole begins on the six-month day. The northern hemisphere goes from summer to autumn, the southern hemisphere goes from winter to spring.

Let's continue educating to understand or read the environment.


Hello @eliorrios, thanks for this educational post, many of these things we know but sometimes we do not remember.

Just today I was thinking about the beginning of autumn but did not remember that we were close to the autumn equinox, this has been a special reminder.

Good to know that what I publish is helpful to someone. Thanks for reading

Hello @eliorrios

The Autumn equinox, as a phenomenon that by making the day and night last the same time, is something enigmatic that invites to reflect on the earth's own movements reach points of equilibrium, a fact that serves as a reflection for us as a human species.

Best regards, be well.

There are so many unexplained mysteries that speak to us that nature must be preserved. Thanks for stopping by and sorry for my absences, work has kidnapped me.

Thanks for sharing friend.. I think September 22 will be another remarkable in history.