Environmental Facial Paralysis

in Project HOPE3 years ago



We are in the period of the northern heat wave, canicule time, the hottest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet, Mother Earth. The exposure to heat can condition the appearance of facial environmental paralysis. We must then know how this environmental factor can generate a disease.

It should be noted that in the summer season (summer) in the temperate zone, there is also a tendency to forest fires because of the greater exposure to the sun and human action for the development of forest fires. People, families, affected communities or firefighters and volunteers are exposed to the heat generated by forest fires. There are a series of factors for the development of forest fires, such as:

+ the presence of solid waste contaminants transparent with its magnifying effect,

+ the abundant presence of tinder due to the summer deciduous vegetation,

+ the presence of hydrocarbon gases (methane), released from improperly disposed waste or livestock digestion,

+ reckless and dangerous burning to "prepare" the land for cultivation,

+ the campfire improperly managed by farmers, hunters or hikers.

When we studied Art Education in high school, in the first and second year of secondary education in Venezuela, we were told that fountains were an architectural expression for the urban area with decorative and environmental purposes for the summer as an instrument to reduce the local temperature, it can be said that they were used as air conditioning systems. How refreshing to pass by a fountain on a hot day. Some people dare to "bathe" or get wet with its waters. Although they date from before Jesus Christ, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, fountains were the object of sculptors and patrons, because they were a permanent exhibition and more for the influx of public during a major peak of heat, in the heat wave. The fountains served to alleviate the heat, to refresh oneself with the water directly in its structure or with the micro-droplets coming out of the fountain.

But the heat wave is not only heat and art. It's time for the development of environmental pathology. It is time for Heat Stroke and Facial Environmental Paralysis. Facial Environmental Paralysis is facial heat paralysis or facial paralysis "a frigori". Facial paralysis a frigori, associated with sudden changes in temperature, due to exposure to cold when one comes from the heat, can be considered an environmental disease that happens by being exposed to heat, especially in heat wave period.

Facial palsies are a series of pathologies that are expressed as a lack of motor function of the muscles of the face innervated by the Facial Nerve or Seventh Cranial Nerve. They can be caused by several factors, but one of the most frequent is associated with environmental influence:

+ Appears in hot weather,

+ during occupational exposure,

+ with the sports activity,

+ in the development of a prolonged walk in the sun.

The second part is:

+ go to a water fountain to wash the face,

+ enter an air-conditioned room

+ go to the refrigerator to get cold water.

It is important that we are aware of this association:

exposure to heat or sunlight - exposure or sudden change to lower temperature or cold - environmental facial paralysis.

If we are in this situation of suffering from Environmental Facial Paralysis, we should not hesitate or delay, we should go to a medical consultation, in which treatment will be indicated and definitively rule out that it is not part or beginning of Guillain Barré Syndrome. It should be under the care of a rehabilitation room as soon as possible. Some alternative therapies are also offered, such as acupuncture.

In the face of Environmental Facial Paralysis as environmentalists, we must:

+ to be environmental educators on a permanent basis.

+ Promote tree-hugging, tree-loving.

+ Trees should also be planted on roadsides and road islands, and vegetation tunnels should be formed in roads.

+ Community forests, school, high school, university, ambulatory and hospital, business and institutional forests should be promoted and maintained.

+ Let's not forget to collect seeds from the forests

+ Prepare the "ecological onions" (paper with sand, collection seeds, grab the corners and roll them up, giving the appearance of a small onion) and disperse them by throwing them on the ground, in gardens, in the woods during hikes, while traveling or from aircrafts.

+ In areas vulnerable to fires, we must go to forests to collect tinder.

+ Take the collected tinder to be used in the generation of compost.

+ Firewalls must also be developed.

+ Finally, it remains for us to study and disseminate how this disease of Environmental Facial Paralysis is generated.

+ Decrease risk factors for Environmental Facial Paralysis.

+ Medical and rehabilitation support should be sought in case of suffering from it.


Hello @eliorrios!
Very true what you present, I remember when it happened to a cousin, they took him to the doctor and he could not play with us. It is very important to be attentive, particularly I live in a warm city and these months are very hot. How nice that you not only raise the way it happens but also how we can help the environment. Best regards!

Greetings friend @eliorrios. From my point of view, for countries that handle intense summer we are prone to Environmental Facial Paralysis, since as environmental educators we must continue to carry the teaching, promote the planting of trees, that for a felled tree we have to plant ten, no to the burning of solid waste, not to the logging preserve our natural resources that gives us our nature, maintain a balance between man environment. Greetings and thank you for sharing your article

Excellent contribution for this time of heat that embraces most of the countries that handle intense summers, where we see how we can avoid these common problems in these times, I would add the low fat diet.