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RE: Ing /Esp: Dolarizar la economía o no dolarizarla. ¿Cuál es el dilema? Una interpretación económica.Segunda parte. .

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Greetings @hojaraskita
Very interesting publication that you present to us, with the diatribe of the governments in office, I particularly think that the dollarization that we currently live in our country will not be officialized, by historical political problems, however I share some of your opinions as:
It is not the same Venezuelan economy as other countries, for that reason they are not managed in the same way.
However, the country has a bubble economy that will soon explode in order to achieve its dreams. The important thing is to look for some strategies that I am sure we must find to get out of this difficult situation, but rescuing our economy of healthy management.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication