What does it mean to be a blogger?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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From an individual perspective, each of us can give a different meaning to what it means to be a blogger.

Superficially any of us might think that being a blogger is to post content on any social network and interact with other people who do the same, however when we think about giving it a broader meaning perhaps we find other variables that are of relevant importance, which is why in this post I want to share with all of you some variables that when we put them all together give a very important meaning to the concept of blogger and the true way in which we should assume this job that demands a lot of talent and creativity.

[1] Being a blogger means relaxation.

While it is true that not in all cases we relax when writing, it is true that we need to be relaxed when writing, relaxation opens the door to understanding and creativity, it helps us to better clarify our ideas to be able to capture them and to be useful to those who read them.

Many of you know what I am referring to, since many of us have gone through the bad eventuality of writing when we are not relaxed, many times we end up stressed because we do not get the ideas we want to capture, that is why we must avoid writing when we are stressed.

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[2] Being a blogger means responsibility

Like many other talents being a blogger involves a responsible job, although it is true that I particularly enjoy writing, it is also true that it involves doing it with a lot of responsibility, we all know how important it is to be original in what we write, that our content is liked, that it is varied and has good spelling, that is why when we put all these variables together we realize that being a blogger brings with it a responsible job.

[3] Being a blogger means commitment

No one forces us to do this job, if one day we write, maybe the next day we do not feel like writing, however if we do not maintain consistency our readers lose credibility, people who support us lose interest in continuing to support us, in conclusion it is important that we have the commitment to be consistent in our performance as a blogger.

Other talents such as soccer, baseball, music, art, painting, cinema, in all these talents people succeed because they have the commitment to exercise a career full of a constancy that allows them to have credibility with society and their followers, hence the importance that we can assume the blogger as a talent that demands commitment and perseverance.

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The idea is that you can read each of the four variables that I believe give strength to the conceptualization of blogger, which is why I share my fourth and last variable:

[4] Being a blogger means creativity

It is impossible to talk about blogging without thinking about the need to be creative, at least if our intention is to keep readers entertained and interested in our content, it is necessary to be creative.

To understand the importance of creativity, it is important that we focus on the assumption that being a blogger is like being a musician and / or artist, it is impossible for a singer to stay throughout his musical career performing all the time the same melodies, that is where creativity plays a leading role, because depending on the creativity that the musician has is that he can vary within his style and keep his followers interested in the work he does.

While it is true that in these social networks we are often known for doing a blogger's work within a single line of content, it is also true that we often lose the reader's interest due to the lack of variability of our content, which is why this creative capacity helps us to generate a somewhat diverse content that is fun for the entire ecosystem.

From your perspective and point of view, tell me in the comments what other variables do you think give an excellent meaning to the work of a blogger?


Greetings friend @carlo84 I find the following approach very interesting,

"While it is true that not in all cases we relax when writing, it is true that we need to be relaxed when writing, relaxation opens the door to understanding and creativity, it helps us to better clarify our ideas to be able to capture them and to be useful to those who read them".

Undoubtedly, the tranquility that writing generates allows us to lower stress levels and at the same time awaken the creativity that we all have inside.
Great contribution, may it be well...

Hello friend @madridbg.

We certainly need to be relaxed to let the ideas flow and to be able to express our writings well.

Greetings and thanks for your comment.

hello @carlos84,
at the beginning of writing articles I thought it was easy and did not represent much effort but over time I understood that being a blogger is more than creating articles, being a blogger means being able to express personal ideas on a topic, in the community of ph there are many good bloggers but of all there is a blogger that I find quite entertaining, because its content is an extension of their opinions that without being very technical can be understood perfectly, from my point of view a Blogger is a person who prints with letters what his mind thinks and through articles shares his vision of life with all his readers.

Certainly the idea is that each one of us can give a particular meaning to what we believe it means to be a blogger, the idea of assuming a blogger as a person capable of expressing his experiences and reflections through his writings seems to me to be an excellent vision.

Greetings friend and thanks for sharing your comment

There is no place where it is stated that as a blogger you must be this or that. Without being told we all should knows that as a blogger they are certain qualities that we must possess. One of them is that we must have love for writing and finally have the mindset to always make research before dishing out our content. Nice post dear friend @carlos84

Certainly nothing is set in stone about how to be a blogger, however as you say it is paramount to have a love for writing. Greetings my friend and thanks for reading and commenting.

Certainly when we tell our friends that we are bloggers they do not see beyond the act of sharing information through a social network, but it is certainly more complicated than that, especially the part of commitment and responsibility, maintain the interest of a public is difficult and do it responsibly, not only for the rewards is important, our content, especially the academic type must be responsible, because our readers believe in our word, are informed and educated with our writings.

Hello my dear friend, certainly when the content is academic is when we have more responsibility, since our followers believe in our line of publication.

Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting.

Hello friend @carlos84

Wow, what does it mean to be a blogger. Even though it is a very tempting question, I confess that I got stuck without finding a satisfactory answer, I liked this you express in your post "although it is true that I especially like writing, it is also true that it implies doing it with a lot of responsibility".

Best regards, be well.

Hello my dear friend @lupafilotaxia.

Certainly that is a question that harbors very broad answers, since the world of the blogger encloses many things, therefore its conceptualization can have a wide rate of variability for each user that gives it a particular meaning according to their interests and experience.

Greetings friend and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.

Greetings @carlos84, being a blogger is not a task for everyone, since to fulfill these functions you must have love for writing, as well as the desire to do things or open mindedness, which allows us to enter into various areas of writing and we can enjoy what is done, as well as always manage to write quality topics, then to be a blogger you must meet a number of characteristics such as those mentioned above and many more.

Hello my dear friend @chucho27.

Certainly when we think of everything that encompasses the meaning of blogger for each of us undoubtedly there will be infinite characteristics that exceed those already mentioned in this post, everything will depend on the experiences of each blogger.

Greetings friend and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.

Hello friend @carlos84, I liked your article, with which I identify myself, since, at present I have dedicated a lot to write in my blog, which for many will be an easy task, but certainly deserves commitment and creativity as you mention, because our readers deserve quality content and updated to bring them information that can generate an effective learning.

See you later, have a great weekend.

Hello friend @amestyj.

Certainly friend the more we get into this world of blogging the more we realize the need to acquire a more solid commitment to our followers and to provide them with content tailored to the needs of the ecosystem.

Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting positively on this post.

Wow, indeed being a blogger means responsibility, creativity and commitment because as a blogger you need to be innovative on your thinking and also you have the responsibility of giving you audience what they need to know thanks alot for you wonderful article

Hi friend, I love the combination of creativity and responsibility, certainly when we innovate we are keeping the ecosystem active for those who read our posts as well as for ourselves, because when we innovate we constantly refresh our ideas, and of course always without losing respect for our followers.

Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.

Hello @carlos84.

I believe being a blogger means that you've got to do your best making blogs with very high quality and useful information or maybe motivational, depends on what you blogging about in the first place. Also, blogging requires someone to read a lot to be able to get the ideas and also find the best ways that fit his/her audience too. The love for blogging comes when someone likes sharing things with people who appreciate your work.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

I really like this new variable that you incorporate very wisely friend, since the effort within the meaning of blogger allows us to continue improving, it is important that we never underestimate ourselves and think that we already know everything in this world of blogging, every effort however small that we give is an improvement for this ecosystem.

Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.