Venezuelan education post pandemic.

Greetings to all my dear readers of the @education community, today I will be addressing a topic that has us all in great uncertainty and it is none other than what condition Venezuelan education will be in after this horrible pandemic. It is no secret that this pandemic made Venezuelan education show all its weaknesses in the technological field because it was never prepared to face this situation.
Once the Venezuelan state decreed in March 2020 the suspension of all educational activities at all levels due to the arrival of COVID-19, the educational system was shaken because it was not technologically prepared to assume a distance education system, however, strategies were designed to ensure that Venezuelan students were not affected and academic activities were not paralyzed.
Both the Ministry of the People's Power for Education and the Ministry of the People's Power for University Education instructed all their educational entities to initiate distance studies with the resources they had in their educational centers at the time, this situation forced the entire student community and the educational community to abandon the educational centers leaving them alone at the mercy of whatever might happen.

The abandonment to which all Venezuelan educational institutions were subjected as a result of this pandemic affected to a great extent the physical infrastructure of the educational institutions, in addition, as a result of this abandonment, crime was rampant and many of these educational institutions as well as universities throughout the country were victims of theft of air conditioners, electrical wiring, laboratory supplies, among many other things.
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The above described forces us to think if once this pandemic ends, the educational institutes at all levels will be in the minimum conditions required to receive again all the students of the Venezuelan educational system, the directors should make a very thorough evaluation in their respective educational centers and report on their conditions, To my way of thinking, this situation is very serious because I consider that the return to classes will not be so easy due to the conditions in which these educational centers are at the present time and the investment that the Venezuelan state must make to recover them is very substantial.

Hello @carlir!
I have discussed this issue with some co-workers, and the truth is that we see very far away to start again on-site classes, at least at the university where I work, before the pandemic did not have adequate infrastructure conditions, and with this situation I have seen news of the thefts to which it has been subjected, is great work to be done but we have to wait. Thanks for sharing, greetings!
Greetings Professor. @carlir. This issue of distance classes goes on for a while, since it is no secret to anyone because of the situation we are going through all of the pandemic, apart we also have to much lower the flow of students, one reason the electric service that does not help us, many citizens have left the country, even though teachers want to give the best of the conditions does not help us. thank you for your article.
A very important issue to consider my friend, we have known of institutions in which crime has taken advantage of their solitude, not only to steal equipment that can hardly be replaced in the short term but also to make damage, coupled with the shortcomings and deficiencies that already existed and that surely by the lack of maintenance must have worsened. This is the first thing that the authorities should address before calling for classes.
Somehow it already looks like people are getting used to the act of learning from home as well as working from home a lot, what we consider a norm might not just be the same like we think.
This is really a great issue. All these things resulted due to lack of planning and foresight from the leaders. Later when the issue if covid-19 has been resolved, they will discovered that a lot has been damaged and they will need to start putting in effort and resources again from the beginning.