Financial Security and Goal Setting
I wrote about financial goals the other day, and I feel one area of goal that we need to learn to set is our finances. Finances are very important as they guide our path through life and help us make very vital choices, I have a friend who says, it is never about how much is made but about how well it is managed and that is the more reason why I feel the goal that we set is much more viable when we learn to focus on financial goals the more.

What we need to know about financial security is that, it doesn’t happen by chance or by accident, it requires that we get intentional about it. Making a huge amount of money may come by accident or by a miracle, but be certain to spend it all in a short while if you do not learn to account for it properly.
Whether your plan is to pay off the debt completely, save for a home, or just have a comfortable retirement, you need the plan to ensure that everything works accordingly and favors you in the long run. When it comes to financial goals, it comes in different forms and different sizes; they could be either short or long-term depending on what works best for you.
Short-term financial goals shouldn’t be ignored because they set the stage for long-term success. Short-term goals are easier to accomplish within the space of one year, it helps you build the confidence and the habits required to build a better and bigger financial goal.
To meet up with your short-term financial goals, here are things you should take into consideration;
• Have a budget: You cannot confidently talk about how much you are spending until you have a budget, with a monitored budget, you will be shocked at the amount that passes through your account on a weekly or monthly basis. This will help you gain confidence and control over your finances.
Thankfully, advanced technology can now help us with budgeting applications that allow us to create expenses easily and categorize our spending as we would love to.
• An emergency fund is vital; this fund will serve as a life goal when life uncertainties show up at our doorstep, office step, or family step whatever the case may be. To build an emergency fund, you could decide to open a different account and automatically transfer the amount you plan to put in there every time you get a paycheck.
• Paying off credit card debt is very essential too, list out your debts and begin to pay them from the lowest to the highest, every additional fund should also be used to sort out these loans.

The next type of financial goal is called ‘’Midterm Financial Goals’’. This goal covers life insurance and disability income insurance. The moment short-term goals have been covered, then we can move to dealing with mid-term goals.
Life insurance is important if you have people to cater to when there is an issue of premature death; some people also work with disability insurance, so whichever one works for you is good.
You should also begin to save up for bigger purchases, start by visualizing how much and how long it will take for you to save, and start working towards it.
Long-term financial goals are usually more centered on retirement, look out for how much you need to have a comfortable retirement and begin to build and save towards the purpose.
There is a need for us to actually set goals. The goals we set, the more we achieved them, the better it will be for us
Looking at the goals ahead is what makes it possible to hit the goalpost.