The great potential of dreams

in Project HOPE4 years ago

"Lucid dreaming"

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about "Lucid dreams", until now there has been a great mystery regarding this subject, the human being has been in the abruptness of why we dream, they I ask everyone here, Have you ever been in a real life situation and immediately perceive that the events that are happening, we have already lived before? I mean, we have already lived that situation but in dreams, we commonly know it as "Dejavu", there are also many other situations, such as when you dream of someone you have not seen for a long time, then by magic you get yourself with that person, those and many Mysteries are things that happen to many people, today I will talk about those dreams, in which we can take control and manage those scenes of the dream world at our will.


Let your dreams be bigger than your fears.

Many years ago, I had a dream in which I was running down a dusty dirt road, it was an arid and very sunny environment, I wanted to get out of that desert with some desperation, somewhere moment I was able to recognize that place and I knew that I was in the mountains that surround the coast of my city, every time I hurried my walk more, it was when I thought that if I made certain jumps I could go faster, I began to do it and my jumps were more and more high, until pushing myself with force I could fly with altitude and speed, my senses were alert I could feel the wind, hear the fresh breeze that rose my face and my hair, I saw the whole landscape below me, the coast and the sea were There, I was able to get closer to the city that was approaching very fast, I was able to recognize the infrastructure that was overflying, it was when I realized in my subconscious that I was dreaming, being aware of what was happening to me, I wanted to go higher and higher. s speed, so I did it and I could see the roundness of the Earth, my goal was to reach space, to travel the Universe, but my speed was so fast that there came a time when I only saw incredible colors, the stars and nebulae were masterfully real, then that dream as it arrived was lost until it was all dark again, that was when I woke up.


After that wonderful experience, I had several days remembering that splendid dream, I tried again and again to go through that situation so pleasant and real, but it was useless, so time passed and Sometimes I remembered that dream, it was when I asked myself a question: Is this phenomenon common in other people? of course yes, that was the answer, I set out to find information, I got books on the meaning of dreams, dream numbers and other interesting topics, but my attention was to discover the words "lucid dreams", I proposed to study this dream phenomenon, today I will share my experiences.


The first thing to do is to know if we have problems falling asleep, there are people who suffer from insomnia, the modern human being suffers from many sleep disorders, this is due in large part because when the sun rises and then sets, specifically It would be our correct biological clock, but night comes and we illuminate ourselves with artificial light, especially the intense blue light of halogens or neon gas, these intense lights make our brain send signals to the body, making it believe that it is day, our body is exposed to these changes and little by little we are falling into sleep disorders, what we have to do is take into account our biological clock and try to stabilize that schedule, it is also advisable to have a balanced meal at dinner, with low levels of sugar, carbohydrates and calories, this will prevent us from having those feelings of nighttime restlessness, to be able to reconcile a full sleep and that gives us well-being.


We have to keep a dream diary, this is achieved by having a notebook and pencil at hand where we will write down the date, time and our experiences in dreams, many of us have dreams that are They repeat over and over again, we have to find certain elements that appear to us in dreams, in order to know that we are dreaming and thus be able to take control of that dream, the images in dreams are distorted, they look a lot like when we open the eyes submerged in a pool or the sea, in the vast majority of dreams the noises or voices we hear tend to have a repetitive bouncing echo, something very frequent is not taking time into account, events can pass fast or slow By having these frequent actions in dreams, we can activate that internal consciousness and know that we are dreaming, it is time to take control.


These are the practices that human beings performed with great ease thousands of years ago, human beings were created to get involved in the extraordinary Universe that we have within ourselves, to be able to heal and emerge love for nature and neighbor, understand our short and fast path in life, know that we are special beings, that fear will no longer be a barrier, all these teachings were suppressed and hidden, by an elite of powerful characters who have passed the baton to others, all for the control of the masses, our history is amputated and manipulated, now the time has come that many of us are waking up from that mental retardation, the rebirth of the new man is in force in our days, we have great potential in our brain and our body, one day we will decipher the mysteries of dreams and we will be better human beings, then it will be when we return to our true home.


Many geniuses in history performed these practices with lucid dreams, they sought answers and creativity to their great inventions, among them we can name "Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, including the famous table Periodic table of the elements was created by "Dmitri Mendeleye" in his lucid dreams, we wonder what did these people have that we do not? Were they advanced beings? The answer is a resounding "No", they simply discovered a way to get there and establish their ideas through dreams, they came to solve big problems but on a dream plane, that is different, it is as if we can have that divine and magical power, the truth is that if we possess it, it is within ourselves.

Friends for your great support and for your time, I say goodbye with this thought that makes us grow more every day.

The only barrier to discovering my magic is the barrier that I have put there myself.

Betzael Corvo




very good post my friend

This was a long and interesting read and of course a topic that sincerely caught my attention, sometimes we have certain dreams that we do not even have no idea about it's interpretation which certainly leaves us confused and mismanaged.

This dejavu is very common and it happens a lot and the people in my culture believe that we are living the lives that some of those before us have lived before and that is the reason behind the dejavu.

Hello friend, it is a pleasure to see your comment regarding this interesting topic, we all have those concerns about dreams and their meanings but we can begin to understand them and work more on our spiritual interior, one day we will transfer to other planes and understand dreams that will be the awakening of the human being greetings

Really our mind has many capabilities that would leave us amazed, the power to control dreams should be a very interesting and enriching practice, certainly great figures have been inspired by their dreams, so we must pay close attention to them, no doubt it is the voice of our subconscious wanting to tell us something, we must learn to listen to it.

Thank you friend for your attention, this topic is very extensive and important for everyone, we have that potential in us but we do not know how to channel it but if we can begin to study and understand them so we will have a better and fuller life, greetings

Hello @betzaelcorvo

The thought of Juice Wrld lucid dreams came to my mind at first instance 😂.. That's just a joke by the way.

We have to keep a dream diary, this is achieved by having a notebook and pencil at hand where we will write down the date, time and our experiences in dreams.

I strongly agree with your point here but the truth is that not everyone can remember the events that happened in dreams. What do you suggest such people should do?

Hello friend, thanks for your attention, we can train our minds as if we were an athlete, little by little we will advance until we have more ability to remember our dreams, I keep a dream diary and every time I remember more and I am channeling those images and words what I hear and say, in my dreams, I am also investigating and every time I learn more about this magical phenomenon that we possess, my advice is to break the chains and take the first step to do it if I can, greetings my friend I liked your question

The first hinderance and the first hit to success is our mind. It i home of impossibilities and endless possibilities depending on which you decide to pick. Limting the mind is limiting ourr world.

Hello friend, you are absolutely right, first we have to work in our home, in our close environment, but if we can understand dreams if we propose to do so we can have the certainties, the messages, we can see beyond through dreams we only have to believe and have that magical feeling that we get every time we dream

Have you ever been in a real life situation and immediately perceive that the events that are happening, we have already lived before?

Actually, i experienced this in my secondary school. On the day of resumption, it looked like i already attended the school before because i saw it in a dream and i terestingly enough, it was like i was repeating the same event from the dream in reality. I was confused, knew what the outcome would be but tried as much to give it a better feeling 😅.

This is my friend, a very common situation and without explanation, is it that we are going to the future in some way in dreams? We can channel those sensations and be able to understand them, that would be our attitude to those inexplicable experiences, we are special beings, we just have to understand that magic that we carry inside, greetings

I have heard Deja Vu on several occasions and I am always dumbfounded and I still try to keep my surprise without letting it out.

Many of us have experienced those phenomena that dreams have, but there are many reasons that we can understand and we can work to improve our lives, greetings friend