Treasure every second whilst you have seconds left

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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I haven't posted on PH for a while because I was looking after a sick family member who was in hospital. It soon became apparent that they were dying, their time was up. Every day they became weaker until breathing was a struggle. Eventually, they took their last breath.

Yesterday, we buried them in the ground and their plot was marked by a wooden stick. There is a long waiting list for a gravestone because of Covid. There you have it then, life over and just some dirt and a wooden stick with a grave plot number.

As with many who have grieved in such situations it makes you really ponder the priorities in life. So I ask you all...

  • Don't waste your time, it is limited.
  • Be grateful for what you have, soon you may have nothing but earth and a stick in the ground.
  • Make benefit of your health, before it goes.
  • Spend your money wisely, before you can't spend any more.
  • Be generous, as one day you will rely on the generosity of others
  • Be kind, as one day you will rely on the kindness of others
  • Tell friends and family you love them, whilst you have time left to speak
  • Cherish family, friends and community - that is what we really have in this world

Life seems long and we feel we have years ahead but none of us knows that we will be here tomorrow. Make the most of what you have and be grateful.

Stay safe my PH friends.



hello @awah,
It is said that life is what happens around us while we are busy doing other things, we are mortal beings and that mortality reminds us that time is the only thing that is not returned, it is true that we come to this world with nothing and in the end we only take with us the experiences we have lived, we have to live more experiences if we want to feel that the day of our death was worth the whole journey.

I agree, we need to live life fully to appreciate the gifts we have and make the journey worthwhile. Thanks for reading.

life is indeed a gift itself and it's better not to waste it. So sorry about your loss, I pray the dead finds peace

Thanks for your kind words. Let's make the most of what we have.

R.I.P, they are probably in a better place.

Life is short, so making something good and leaving some people behind you who can remember you with something good and tell others how good you were in the true wealth in this life and it's the only thing that may last. Money, health, and happiness are all temporary so better make something different.

Thanks for the reminders, will always follow them.

Thanks for your kind words. You are right, we can't take our money (or crypto) with us. We sometimes need to remind ourselves as to what is really important.