Marketing as a profession

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Marketing is the analysis of the behavior that markets and consumers develop throughout their process, referring to certain products and the way they are focused on the rest of the public. With what purpose? That companies and institutions can manage to maintain and retain customers by satisfying or making them feel satisfied with their most pressing needs. It is an essential line for the proper functioning of the global economy, as simple as it may seem, marketing is an engine that works with the supply and demand of any kind of products worldwide. It is a well-known concept that is sometimes confused with advertising, both concepts are related but not the same.



Marketing studies in depth the tastes and behavior of the average consumer, performs a work in many scientific occasions to achieve this understanding, advertising is simply directed to all in a generalized way with some previous studies of preferences not behavior unlike marketing. Marketing is booming and today it has a huge amount of particularities that give guarantees that you can find a suitable branch to the work preferences of someone interested in learning it, it is said to be the career with more development today, as it touches everything that business refers and on the other hand being entrepreneurship the need for good marketing has become indispensable. Any young person who likes social research and its changes or transformations can develop through this career, really interesting.



Many young people ask themselves: Why study marketing? Will it be valuable as a productive aspect? Will I be able to sustain my life with that income? As all study options will always depend on the degree of personal commitment of the individual with the desire to learn and develop, marketing as a career path does not escape from that. It is always recommended for those people who are still not completely sure of what they want, but feel a real inclination towards marketing to start with the completion of a course that shows the first steps, the first strategies to perform and the importance of them in order to evaluate for sure if this really attracts you, can mean a future in your life or not, assess whether they are certainly in the career path that you would like to follow.

Marketing is a fascinating world worthy of being explored, it is very intense because it offers general culture, knowledge of economics, advertising, psychology in short a whole range of aspects that make it a profession with an attractive and modern reference as well as having a wide range of possibilities in the labor field, which are growing steadily even in difficult times, more and more companies are in need of a marketing that will place guidelines, suggest strategies and skills that can be developed in a competitive environment such as the business environment.
It contains in itself several areas such as creative, consultant, researcher, programmer, analyzer where anyone could use their best potential in a career with a future.


Hmmm.... I already have that feeling of being a marketer after reading this. I must say this is really explicit and educative. I think marketing requires more persuading skills and qualities or features just to attract and convince people to buy one's product.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️💕❤️

Marketing has always been a good option, but in third world countries it has been undervalued since commercial exchanges were for a long time direct or under the barter scheme. The invasion of North American companies outside the oil industry changed that, however as a profession very few young people were attracted to it, especially men, since it was stigmatized as a profession for women. The changes have led to a growing number of people interested in joining this profession.

Hello friend, I think that marketing today is an excellent option, all companies are giving it the importance it deserves so learning about the subject opens many doors. For our own business it is good to educate ourselves in everything related to sales and improvement of our company. Greetings.

Hi @aplausos
It's good the difference you make between advertising and marketing. In the latter I think is where companies work more now, they have teams composed even by psychologists and sociologists, who establish large campaigns to increase their sales, attract more people and influence them in many ways.

Hi @josevas217 You are right, but the marketer works together with them to achieve a little more in depth in what the consumer is interested in, thank you very much.

Nowadays communication and sales strategies are very important for a company, this globalized world has become very competitive so knowing how to reach customers is essential, both for the positioning of a brand in the market, as for any type of communication and for the expected financial performance in a business, it is certainly a beautiful profession that requires a lot of creativity and has great potential as a career. Greetings @aplausos!

Hi @aplausos, marketing as a concept to position any business organization, is something extremely fascinating as you refer in your post. Thank you for this interesting article.

Marketing and its ways are developing and not to mention how important it is in these days as people use a variety of methods to attract customers to their products and services, and as you mentioned, people started to buy more marketing courses and are trying as hard as possible to be professional in it.

For me, I actually think marketing requires someone with a creative mind also someone who thinks and notices the small details which I can't consider myself a productive person so I don't think I will ever succeed in it.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

We all know currently marketing is booming in every sectors and have huge opportunity to earn tons of money affiliate marketing is doing very good nowdays and it is easy to learn and earn. Marketing will be a good professional field in this covid suitation.

 3 years ago 

Is marketing what you did (or you still do) for living @aplausos?

(just curious)

Hi @crypto.piotr Greetings, not in our country this profession is a little relegated to do little things, in Venezuela you do everything for a living, I was wearing social networks even I do related to marketing, but the Venezuelan reality does not affect the rest of the world marketing is an excellent profession, thanks for commenting

Marketing is where the money is, especially in the insurance sector. This is a very nice article, keep up the great work.