Curiosity Is Double Edge Sword

in Project HOPE11 days ago

Everyone has different perspectives and mindset towards something. For some people, they see curiosity as something positive and for some people, they see curiosity as something negative. In any way, I strongly believe that when it comes to the matter of curiosity, it is likely to double edge the sword. It can be positive and it can be as negative as I believe. Sometimes we can have curiosity that will be harmful and sometimes we can have one that will do us good.

Most of the time in my life, there are certain instances whereby the fact that I was curious about something, it makes me to learn something new. There are several instances whereby I have gotten new knowledge about some certain things which I believe will not have been possible if I didn't have high curiosity.


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But even with the good side that curiosity offers, there are also the bad side of curiosity that most of the time we didn't not even consider and which most of the time affect us so much. The truth is curiosity is not always harmless. There are harmful curiosity and which I will be talking about today. From my own personal experience as a Nigerian, I have witness several incidents whereby harmful curiosity have caused negative issues.

When I talk about harmful curiosity, to my own best understanding, I strongly believe it is when you have this so much desire to know something which can be dangerous. Most of the time, when you are not able to control the urge of these certain kinds of harmful curiosity, it can leads to more danger. Most of the time, harmful curiosity can lead to you involving yourself to other people's affairs, you trying to intrude on someone's privacy and generally cases of gossip.

One major aspect of harmful curiosity that I have witnessed which have caused several cases is the aspect of gossip. I have seen a nd witnessed a lot of homes broken due to the fact that gossip cases were involved. Not only that, it has destroyed a lot of friendship and makes a lot of people lose out on their jobs. There is not actually supposed to be so.


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Nigeria my country is known for its cultural heritage but at the same time, it has caused a lot of misunderstanding among religious groups. In fact due to harmful curiosity, it has make tolerance among people to be so difficult to handle. I have seen several cases whereby people have leads themselves to trouble majorly in the aspect of spiritual practices. An example is when people forcefully enter the shrines because of curiosity to know the result of entering shrines and occult places.

Recently, the social media platform also in my own case is not settling the issue. Instead it is making it worst. Due to lots of negativity happening on the social media, it has made a lot of people increase curiosity. But I believe we can change it. We are having lots of lives damaged because of harmful curiosity. If we are to change it, we should start by first tackling the causes of harmful curiosity in our society. Yes i strongly believe a time will come, people will understand much more about curiosity, we can begin to witness more of positivity from curiosity, yes I strongly believe we can.