Looking for the milk

in OCD5 years ago

Since it is Saturday night and everyone is in bed, I may as well have a little fun and join in with the #milkerandtators movement started by @whatsup. The idea is to post once a day and write ten comments on other people's posts and, I think I already do that most days - I definitely get the top level post in.

While I do get some autos on my posts, I have never actually considered myself a milker though as I have been very open in pretty much everything I do on chain. I have talked about my processes, my earnings, my hopes, my trades, my losses, my failures, my support, my delegations, my opinions, my ideas, my family, my financial challenges, my past, my present, my work, my.... well, you get the idea, I have put myself out there on Steem daily for almost 3 years in many ways.

While I am "pretty sure" that not everyone is going to agree with my ideas and activities, I am also "pretty sure" that most people who have followed me for any period of time or have had the misfortune of meeting me in person realize, I am pretty authentic in my words and delivery and do not have the tendency to embellish achievements.

One of the great thing on the chain is that everything I have ever said is verifiable and while some things might come back to haunt me, I think overall, I have been consistent and open. Maybe this is why I have done relatively well in my relationships with women as, I haven't lied in order to trick them into a relationship of some kind.

The problem with inauthenticity is that eventually, the authentic you will appear and all the niceties in the dating and honeymoon period will fall away and the "true-self" will appear. In my opinion, best be yourself and let the cards fall where they may and this way, you can be pretty sure that those who like you, like you for you, even if you are an asshole.

Too many people try to impress those who they want attention from by trying to be what that person might want. It is like lying on the first date about the food, bands and animals you like, just to get the other person to like you. This happens a lot on Steem where people try to put out content that attracts upvotes without considering if it is the type f content they are suited for.

Nothing wrong with that, but don't be surprised if you run out of content ideas because it is difficult to keep producing daily when you do not like what you are producing, or have little interest in it besides the potential for upvotes. Some people just keep producing content because for some reason or another, someone put an auto on them .

For the old timers, do remember that dude who was milking Johal's auto with what sounded like drunk texts? - was it, fuckmind? mindslut? I don't remember... mind something or other I think - back in the day. He wasn't the only one, there have been many.

The way to differentiate between a milker and a creator is pretty easy, you just have to watch them long-term, which is another reason I do not consider myself a milker. There are 2793 pages of transactions relating to my account and I have been consistently creating daily for all that time. Consistency - Fuck price, I earn Steem. Fuck vote values, I will write anyway.

There are ups and downs in price, there are ups and downs in support. The act of creation does not require payment and it doesn't require anyone to pat you on the back and say "good job". Now, you are creating for you but if you have an expectation of earning something, you still have to consider your audience - so don't blame the whales for the lack of support if you haven't consistently produced the kind of stuff that they are willing to support consistently.

Consistency doesn't really happen in support though, there are always ebbs and flows. However, consistency in production is within your control and that is pretty much a prerequisite for building a support network. I have been very open with this as well and have mentioned several times that I am going to consistently produce content that if it is chanced upon, someone will likely vote it and if it attracts autos, those users can trust that in all likelihood, they would have voted it anyway.

I see the people who vote on my posts without reading them like patrons who support my work s that others can read them. After all, there is still the incentive to earn Steem and since I have put so much effort into this place in various ways, I want to earn also.


I keep hearing some people say, "the earnings aren't enough to live off..." as if Steem is meant to provide them a living wage. I normally don't give it, but I have advice for people wanting a wage from Steem.

Get a job.

I know, I know... How could I suggest such a thing... what a prick I am!

I am okay with you thinking that, some of you might even appreciate me more for it. This is the thing about authenticity and a rule of thumb to live by. Ready?

No matter what you do, One third of people will like you, one third will be indifferent, one third will dislike you.

It is okay if people dislike you - you will survive it.

Now, to finish this off as I think I have written enough for today, tonight or whatever time this happens to be, I will give some advice. Firstly, I fucking hate bullet point lists - but here is one on some ideas if you struggle to get a post out a day.

  • Work out what you are interested in
  • Write about it and explore it deeply
  • Look for others who are interested in it
  • Engage with them

If you do not know what you are interested in, find out why.
But other things you can try

  • Write about your day
  • Pay attention to conversations you have
  • Use images as stimulus for content ideas
  • Read other people's posts and work for inspiration
  • Comment a lot and use them as the base for expansion
  • See what other people are talking about
  • Get out from behind the screen
  • Let your experience be your content

If you really can't find something to write about... Get a job.

Now, there is the 10 comments a day on other people's posts as part of the challenge and if you aren't getting significant engagement on your own posts - you better get out and about and hit those mean streets of Steem. A word of warning for the unlearned though, if you are looking for support - don't ask for it and most importantly....

Don't be a dick.

That is incredibly challenging for some people here.

Of course, you are free to post what the hell you want when and where you want, but you are not entitled to any particular outcome and no matter how much fucking STEEM you have bought, you are not entitled to payment from the pool. What your Steem Power gets you is access to the distribution of the Steem, not the payout after 7 days. Getting downvoted for being a dick? Take a look in the mirror while you masturbate and see what everyone else sees. Pathetic.

Too visual?

Well as I said, it is Saturday night so let's have a little fun.

Have you got a post out for the day yet?


The clock is ticking

[ a Steem original ]



I do not consider you a milker. I consider you an engaged end-user.

But like many others you receive the same votes... and have built a network.

They are blind to seeing that is what others have done as well.


BTW, I think this should get some !ENGAGE 50 ment :)

What I like about my supporters is that even the larger engage with me and, the larger ones aren't generally the autovoters, which is why there can be variations in the payouts. I see people getting the same numbers consistently with no comments, and I call it as I see it :)

That is a good point. I do agree that the engagement level is a huge determination factor for me as well!

@whatsup you have received 50 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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I may have missed the 25th blockchain time, but that is the nice thing about being in Alaska, it is still the 25th for a lot more hours.

I see steem as a retirement supplement even though I am retired, in 8 years or so, having a tiny bit extra free income will be nice, I do not see how anyone can trust any crypto to be a consistent living wage income maker.

As for my content milking, It's more of a hobby, one that can be put aside for a little bit, and brought out when boredom sets in. I pretty much roam all over when I do post, mostly photo's, but I do have fun making them when I get around to making one, so this week I am going to try and milk some creativeness out and post six more times.

Definitely not the industry to live off currently. 8 years from now might be a different ball game however.

Those who font have fun here tend not to last and they seem to be the ones who do it for the money alone.



Autocorrect put a space in...


@tarazkp you have received 20 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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Autocorrect put a space in


@bashadow you have received 20 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

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Well, if you're gonna write about milking then I am gonna leave a randomass comment to get to my 10 of the day.

And !ENGAGE 20

@fredrikaa you have received 20 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

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Milky mofo, in the creamiest possible way of course :)

I've got my post out today, took me about 2 hours. I also do a daily monsters post, and I may even kick out an actifit post today as well. Those are on the alts, and will take about 50 cents :)

me-tarzan - 70 posts this week (and 100's of other), about the same amount of comments (on his own post). Milky? I think so.

I am thinking of powering up an alt for a community, but it might be a bit weird :D

Yeah, that me-tarzan account is milky AF - Been doing it a long time by the looks too.

Bahahahahahahhaaaa XD

I'm reminded of way too many times where we've gone to the inlaws and mother in law is making cuppas and J has to remind her "I'll have my BLACK tea without milk thanks Mum" almost every time XD

Writing stuff you don't necessarily care about to "earn enough to live off" sounds way too much like hard work, definitely may as well just get a job you also don't care about but would probably earn money to live off and be done with it XD

I could probably do 10 comments a day (I don't actually count how many I do a day OH WAIT SteemWorld can tell me umm well okay then if last week is anything to go by apparently I can do 10 comments a day easy peasy x_x) but I can't do daily posts, tried that before, found it too hard x_x hell even the weekly progblogs are occasionally a challenge especially when I feel like I haven't made enough progress (which is most of the time >_> I have ridiculous standards for myself which I know are ridiculous and don't apply to other people).

I see the people who vote on my posts without reading them like patrons who support my work s that others can read them

That's a nice way to look at it, didn't think of that.

Now did you twit this one? [goes looking for the tweet pun]

Sounds like "work" as most define it. Getting a job would be less stressful and earn more. :)

I like seeing your updates. I should comment more :)

Only if you have something to say, the progblogs are probably pretty hard to comment on XD

I see the people who vote on my posts without reading them like patrons who support my work s that others can read them.

Yep! that's true. And never forget that those generous blind 'patrons' aren't naive nor selfless good Samaritans either. They are not innocent little red riding hoods in the least. They know pretty well that a fat slice of the 50% curation pie from your content taste very sweet & juicy. };)

I wouldn't want them to be naive. Part of the economy here is get paid to consume, rather than the centralized process of them skimming all value to themselves.

And, they could get a similar return voting in anyone, but not necessarily similar content. I don't think any large auto vote on me has never read my work. I like that it is a win win

And, they could get a similar return voting in anyone,

Uhm, I'm not so sure about that. Not all pies on steem looks so sweet, spongy and juicy to take a good bite.. :)

I don't think any large auto vote on me has never read my work.

Well, the best proof to deduce that, would be wondering ourselves why some of those consistently automated stealthy large upvoters never leave their fingerprints or the mark of their teeth jointly with a due note or message through a proper and explicit comment that'd suggest they are also readers. Dontcha think? :)

Nope, I am pretty sure that people find what they enjoy and then set some autos from time to time. Also, for the largest stakeholders, they will set their autos on what they consider is value adding to their holdings. Nearly every significant autovoter I have has engaged on my posts at some point.

Nope, I am pretty sure that people find what they enjoy and then set some autos from time to time.

Yep, that's also a possibility. Executed only by the conscious ones. The ones who actually read.

Also, for the largest stakeholders, they will set their autos on what they consider is value adding to their holdings.

Yep, to their holdings!! That's exactly what I've said before in my first comment. I've seen many of them having set autovotes on many shit posters and shit content simply because they know pretty well other illiterate autovoters will add lotta extra sirope, cream, nuts, almonds, chocolate and whatnot to the pie to only please their wallet's 'palate' regardless of the true original flavor of the pie or the pastry chef.

As I've said, they are not innocent little red riding hoods 'consumers'. }:)

Yep, to their holdings!!

It is an economy, to expect different is ridiculous. Value to their holdings comes through supporting content that they believe adds value. While there can be plenty of individual pieces of content that do this, very little of it is going to consistently come from one account. There are a few producers here however who do consistently add content that would be considered valuable by their audience to consume and for the economy.

Value to their holdings comes through supporting content that they believe adds value.

Again, adds value to what, to whom and towards where? Only to their own pockets or the entire economy ecosystem?

If they don't READ, comment, interact and engage with anyone once planted their blind & indiscriminate autovotes, they are not serving 'value' to no one but themselves.

If they don't READ, comment, interact and engage with anyone once planted their blind & indiscriminate autovotes, they are not serving 'value' to no one but themselves.

Have you got value from the platform? Do you think that every voter has read your content?

Hahhaha, well, I have to say that sometimes I have not time to read all your post which used to be brilliant always. I like this initiative. I think we have to find the way of promoting engagement and this challenge can work nicely.

Might be a bit of fun to see what people come up with :)

Steemyoda is certainly enjoying your milk! You must eat lots of pineapple or something. :-P

Yeah, I have no idea about that one - just appeared one day.

Do I need to google the pineapple reference?

Better you than most, makes up for the dobartim/flysky downvotes!


I am definitely not much of an abuser on steem...

That was very informative... I will email it to my wife and see what happens to the shopping list. ;D

Yeah, I don't really see how one could class having success as abuse, unless you are a communist or something... I'm sure there are some lurking around here :-O

every time i thought i should write about xy, people my like it, every time it flopped. and then the next day i post something totally random and it gets more engagement and i thought no one will care...
my randomness is not helping and i will never be internet famous but few more people will see something that i made and they would never seen it if it was not on steem, so... :D
and if you look on engagement on my posts, i am probably milking it...

I think it is about authenticity. Even random thoughts are more engaging than engineered content.