[Straw Reviews] Ozark - Season 3

in OCD5 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am back today with another review. Today I am reviewing the Netflix series Ozark. This time it's actually a show that I like for a change so this review will probably be a bit more positive than the last one.


If you still haven't watched the previous seasons of Ozark I recommend that you do so and stop reading here since there will be spoilers in this review. So you don't leave empty handed, here is the trailer of the first season for anyone that is unfamiliar:

Now for everyone that has watched it.

I am both happy and sad about this season. When I saw that it was released I got super hyped and binged it really fast. I did the same thing with the previous seasons when I first found this series. I always liked Jason Bateman and honestly it's cool to see him in more serious roles since he is really good at those too. I remember seeing him in The Outsider and I got so excited only to, well I don't wanna spoil that series for anyone reading but it's also a good one that you can check out.

I kinda have my issues with Wendy and have had ever since the start but at this point I've realized that the character just is supposed to be like that. I don't know what the word for it is but it's the same thing as with Skyler in Breaking Bad. This season really brought that out in my opinion and we got to see the worst of her. Towards the end however I kinda started liking her and the person she has become. Marty seemed a bit too ditracted in this season in my opinion. I mean obviously laundering millions for the cartel keeps you busy but I feel like he was more of an observer this season. I like how the kids have started dealing with everyone and I feel like we are going to see some crazy things with Jonah before this story ends.


I really liked Ben as an addition this season and I was really hoping that things wouldn't spiral out of control as badly as they did. He was one of the main characters that I was hoping wouldn't get killed off. It was 2 things this season that made me feel the same way. His death and Ruth getting beat up. I kinda feel like Ruth was right about the whole Frank Jr. situation. I mean they barely did anything about it. I do understand that it was just a small thing if you think about the big picture but I feel like she deserved to be avenged in that situation after having taken care of so much lately. That brings me to the second thing. I think that they could've somehow saved Ben from that whole thing but now that I am writing this I got reminded that he did start doing some weird things at the very end and he ultimately just had to die. Too bad tho I liked his character.

Our boy Jonah is growing up and got his first kiss. Couple episodes later and he is holding a gun to Helen's head. Marty should've been more like that about the whole Ruth and Ben situation in my opinion. I was really sad that it wasn't him who shot her but in the end maybe it's better and we will actually continue to see him. I never really did like Helen and honestly I'm happy things went the way that they did. However her daughter is probably going to be involved somehow in the next season and will probably cause some problems.

I did feel like I wanted more at the end but that's how you're supposed to feel I guess. Wonder how long it's gonna take until the next season is released. Probably a long time.

That was it for my review of Ozark. Thanks for reading!

Peace, Straw



Yeath i really like this serie here in latinoamerica is no so popular but for me is than great like breaking bad, the best serie ever for me, i always say that in the world have many problems and antiheroes for make imaging fiction like dragons or zombie for make a history.

Para mi esta es una de las mejores serie que he visto y no es muy conocida en latinoamerica, siempre he dicho que el mundo ahi muchos problemas y villanos paa estar imaginado ficcion de dragones y zombie ya con la lucha politica y economica en el mundo actual se puede escribir series y libros.

It really is a good series! I feel like it's probably not only latin america. For some reason the show isn't as big as it should be. Atleast in my opinion. I've asked all my friends about it and maybe 1 or 2 had heard about it.

i can recommend another serie if you wants i hope you do the same, try to see is spanish serie Sin Permiso para Vivir, Ragnarok, Elite, Baby (Italian Serie) and other i saw a lots.