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RE: Opting-in on Steem once again

in OCD5 years ago

Congratulations on moving into the new home. I have shared your feelings for this home of ours being riddled with uncertainty, worry, and other maladies. We will recover!

Once this blows over, I have an idea to change the system of voting, would love to know what you think:


Cheers! we will move in a month, but we signed away and resigned the rest of my life to renovation today.

I think the witness voting needs a severe overhaul.

Whoops, I misread, or skipped over that part.

Rennovations suck when you're in the home you're rennovating, depending on the nature of them. I want to rennovate my kitchen, but then, where will I eat for several weeks? :P

Rennovations suck when you're in the home you're rennovating, depending on the nature of them

Complete overhaul. =D

I want to rennovate my kitchen, but then, where will I eat for several weeks? :P

We are expecting it to take about 3-5 years all up. The major stuff will be done in the first 6 months... then we will move onto the more minor things... like the kitchen :D