'You got thinner!'

in OCD5 years ago


Self portrait with no title.

'You got thinner!'
Ah, the comment about our weight!

It's one of the things that you say to someone that could potentially offend them or make them conscious about themselves. It's the same with the 'You got fat! comments.

For someone who always struggles with their self-image, they might prefer not to hear those.

I don't mind those.

I've been skinny my whole life. It could be because of genes + fast metabolism + my lifestyle (I don't eat much). All my life I've struggled to put on weight, not because I don't like that I look like a stick, but because I am literally underweight and it concerns me. I mean, looking like a stick is not good either but I'd be more concerned about me being underweight and not having enough nourishment.

Since childhood, my parents have made me take vitamins and supplements for me to put on weight. Believe me, I tried. But I'm still underweight lol. As a kid, I've always had trips to the hospital and every time they take my weight, it's always the same, or have little improvements.

Even though I struggle with putting on weight, receiving comments about it is fine with me. Like earlier, I went to see my friend who I've never seen in a month and she told me I got thinner and asked how I was. She was surprised by how fast I lost some weight, and I was too lol.

Hearing comments about my weight makes me realize what I have been currently doing. If it's very noticeable that I got thinner, that means I starve myself again without me noticing it. It means I am in a depressive state again. And that means I have to look over myself again and change some things.

If I got comments of me getting more weight, I'd be happy cos that means I've been doing fine.

So, throw any comments about it at me and I won't mind.


Be careful of doing it to somebody else, though.

Here's the thing:

Some of them probably are struggling with their weight and are conscious of how they look like especially women (hello, beauty standards the society is pressuring us) and they probably are aware of it. I know some people who get sad when someone notices their weight, and we don't want that.

I mean, for sure, the commenter might be even just telling that because he/she is concerned about the person and it's probably just an innocent mistake for them to randomly talk about stuff.

But it's just a weight! He's still handsome even if he got skinny!

It might be just a thing for most, but to some, it's their everything. Different things affect differently for different people. And everyone should respect that. It's best to be sensitive and wait for the person to open up the subject. Not judge them based on how they react to things.

After all, we are humans and we have different experiences.

Stay nice to everyone!

Except to those motherfuckers who hoard alcohols, hand sanitizers, face masks, and toilet papers and sell them for 25x the normal price in times of crisis (like now, covid-19 crisis). They deserve to rot on earth. Spit on those who take advantage.


like the side view, next time lower the pic a bit

Here is my take on this:
You get that comment from another point of view. This means different world and lifestyle. the image and looks are just the out come of how we live, so we can't just throw something like ''you got fat''! That is as ignorant as it can possibly get. The underlying reasons are a lot and we are not the ones to comment on those. Love is what we need right now.
To love is to reach god. -Rumi

Yahh. I know some might just be saying that innocently and they didn't mean any harm, but it's important to be cautious.

Yeah! We need to grow up and start caring for the feelings of other people in a deeper level. But the diet systems and activity rates of people have got to change. Many people are suffering from the complications of food abundance and lack of physical activity in life. ;/ </3

There are 2 things I suggest you start doing.

Smoke or eat weed to regulate your appetite

Start lifting weights (no cardio, trying to gain weight here)

You will build healthy lean mass which support your bones and immune system for years to come

Reply back with any issues you may have, I don’t mind talking things out with you and sharing some experiences that might help you achieve your goals.

Weed is illegal here, I'd wait til it becomes legal til I could take them. I heard it relieves anxiety. Oh I am into weights again just last week! :D I did workout last year and I gained weight even when it was Muay Thai (cardio) lol I enjoyed it but I had to stop cos I need to focus on spending my money on art materials. I wanna go back again when things get better. :D Thanks for the suggestions!

As open as I am to the idea of weed and its legality (among others), I just don't get along with it. It makes me very anxious and uncomfortable every time. I think this is because it tends to... slow your brain down and leave you a bit dopey. This is a great feeling presumably for most people, but for me, most stimulants and depressants affecting the 'pace' of my brain tends to bother me deeply, be it weed, alcohol, coffee or whatever.

Add to that the spins when you've smoked too much, that are kind of like when you've drank too much... I pass every time.

Personally I don't think you're missing much at all =)

Oh, I haven't tried it yet, but it's interesting. I for sure don't like the effect of alcohol especially the spinning part (I hate it) but I still would give it a try at least.

Oh for sure. My momma always used to say 'try anything once' =D (if you get the type that makes you hyper and giggly, that can be fun)

I think what's important is to be healthy. I need to eat healthier.

Yeah.. but being underweight is not healthy, or at least, I'm at risk for some health problems in the future. You go eat healthy foods!


You look great 👍 and I love that last part of your post. Damn hoarders.

Thank you! Yeah, those people are the worst!

What a great body you have there!

Totally agree with your words, have faced that my whole life. Also must say, you're beautiful and look gorgeous!