1 Tree for 10 Breaths | Go-green "25% payment to @steemforsdgs"

in Frestyle4 years ago (edited)


10% of post payout goes to @youthclub
& 25% to @steemforsdgs

Hello steemian, I hope you are in good condition.

A few months ago, we were shocked by the news of flooding in various cities and regions, because the public is less concerned about us not cutting down trees carelessly.

Regarding indiscriminate felling of trees, environmental activists, environmentalists, and other communities are trying to reduce indiscriminate felling of trees that have the potential to pollute this country.

We from the Community (KSM) Today Ready to Build (KSM) take part in carrying out Go-green activities at a children's education place or often called a "kindergarten" which is located in a village located in the city of lhokseumawe.


This activity is a KSM program to inform the public that we must reduce the indiscriminate felling of trees that are difficult to recycle. It is indeed difficult for all of us to suddenly stop not doing these activities because it is a necessity that is needed by the community. But at least the awareness to reduce tree cutting can be done so that we can both protect the environment. This is a form of love for this country, if we don't care who else!

Before taking the go-green action, we from the community ready to build have prepared ahead of time to carry out activities that can have a green impact for the community and educational places.

This activity is very much supported by the surrounding community and the teachers in the children's education centers that we visited, Go-green is also considered the right solution to overcome this critical condition of the earth.





Anyone can create a good influence on the environment, regardless of the title or status inherent in society. As long as that person still lives on this earth, then his responsibility remains the same, namely to take care of the earth. With this movement, we hope that the earth will become a proper place to live for all beings now and in the future.

3 things that need to be considered and become the basis for the Go Green movement, namely:

  • Reduce - saving energy resources.

Savings and selective in using or utilizing energy.

  • Reuse - reuse.

Reuse of energy sources or equipment that is still suitable for use.

  • Recycle - recycle.

Turning waste or used goods into other products that are more useful and beneficial to society and the environment.

The thing that always comes to mind today is how we can do good by doing simple and continuous actions for the awareness process for us, and for many people. Because actually the goodness that we plant will always be remembered until the end of the story of life.

Thank you to the community ready to build that still cares deeply about the surrounding environment which must be an example for the entire surrounding community and various places of education.







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Thanks for reading & visited my blog

Please, support @steemforsdgs with setting 25% reward (beneficiary) to @steemforsdgs. Official tag #steemforsdgs25pp

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Thanks to : @steemcurator01 , @stephenkendal, @pennsif, @kevinwong, @steemchiller, @xeldal, @ernaerningsih, @steemcurator02

Inviting All Youth To Join Youth Club

Best Regard



Thanks for hard work !

Good job bro, we hope all of that efforts can accelerated SDG's

Thans you so much brother

Mudah-mudahan aksi ini akan terus kita lanjut di tempat dan pada kesampatan lainnya ☺️ semangat terus bro!