Live in the Music World..... How I Enjoy Sound Engineering

in Ulogs5 years ago

Hi Everyone morning greetings to you all am here using #Ulog for the first time and i hope to have a reward time.

It's always a stressful day for me on Sundays as i am always up and working to fix sounds systems for churches.

On my way back home from church, basking in the joy of being in the presence of God, i got a call from a friend at Tabernacle of Praise Church informing that his pastor needed me to fix up their sound as it had a little challenge before the evening service began. Mind you i was on a causal dress to church so i needed to get home for a change of dress. You know what they say...... Looking food is good business.

Live make sense when it is lived with zero worries and you know what that's how we attract good things.

So i had something else to wear in place of the other one

When i got there i noticed it wasn't really a big thing but just a few turning of the nubs to the wrong direction. There so much danger in ignorance. I learnt that the sounding wasn't producing a louder sound and one of their instrumentalist tried increasing the volume but ended up disrupting the whole settings.

This guys have an amazing console i must say as almost all their sound systems state of the art equipment.

Almost done at this point.

And finally the job was done

I feel very much happy when am able to fix a problem.. Thanks for reading through my block please follow me on 3speak for my videos. Thanks.