
I hear he's a real nice guy who loves to hug, guess he'll have to stop groping little girls with the plague about to wipe out all 10 billion of us in the Canadia and States combined. His son is very nice too

Yeah...his son the 'Crack-Head' who was Delaware's Attorney General. Another (infamous) Attorney General 'friend' of Biden, was a guy named Tom Capano, who shot his young mistress, put her body in a cooler that he dumped in the ocean. It 'floated' so he shot at it till it sank. Oh...and by the way, Capano tried to blame the murder on his 'ex' mistress...(Such nice guys)

oh real nice, funny thing is the 'elite' are getting it too, hmmm, odd
Maybe God's gonna knock some down, nice to meet u angryman , I am angry woman

Anger properly directed can be a good thing...

very very good, with laser like focus
like a friggin' jedi or ninja

His son deserves a $50 thousand a month gig in a country that his daddy just happened to have recently fomented a coup to install neo-Nazis friendly to the US and NATO, working in an industry in which he has no experience, because every cocaine user deserves a second chance unless their parents aren't politically-connected rich white Protestants.

Buffy and Tiffany can't go get mani-pedis anymore :(

lol I was one of the few Americans who was following the ukraine war from the russian side, and the idea of Americans working in Ukraine for ACTUAl Nazis is so crazy

Ukrainian regime of nazis is super dumb, to celebrate the logo of the people who killed so many of them, they ignore their own history lol they really think the nazis were the good guys in world war 2 and that hitler just didnt get a chance lol they really dont know actual history and how hitlers system was no different than USA, it was democratic western and industrial and he just hijacked it for the military and ALMOST pulled it off, taking resources of the eastern hemisphere, but USA stopped him with RUssia.

Its like they dont know that history and actual neo nazis believe in a weird version of history that is like all about white people defeating the jew lol. The jews have their issues but bro, Khazaria was never a power and even today, the Anglo Saxon Protestants have MUCH more power than any jews

Israel is also a tiny nation and any global influence they wield is more of a novelty than a threat

But the ukrainian nazis that joe biden supports are actually dangerous. They get military aid from the corrupt parts of USA military just like ISIS did.

Good point about Joe Biden and Ukraine. If this was the 1980s , the idea of Biden and his family getting so involved with a post soviet state like ukraine would be considered insane. Now people forget the cold war and ww2 so fast

very weird times indeed