Introduce My Self

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago

Introduce My Self

Hai Steemian

Salam.... Perkenalkan saya Wiwik Andriani tinggal di blang crum Lhokseumawe. Usia saat ini 33 tahun saya kegiatan sehari-hari mengajar di SMA Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe.


Saya bergabung dengan steemit pada 6 Maret lalu dengan dibantu oleh senbeinim @radjasalman beliau lah yang memotivasi saya untuk bergabung. Beliau adalah dosen sekaligus saya saat masih kuliah kalo sekarang jadi senbeinim hehheee.

Saya menyukai postingan kuliner dan Travelling saya berharap dapat berbagi informasi yang menarik ke depannya dan dapat mengembang kemampuan menulis saya bersama steemit.

Sebagai pemula yang masih minim informasi pada Steemit, maka dukungan, motivasi dan bimbingan dari Steemit Senior saya harapkan agar dapat bersemangat untuk maju bersama.

Saya sangat berterimakasih kepada CR Indonesia @radjasalman yang telah menyediakan waktu disela-sela kesibukannya untuk melatih saya berbagi pada Steemit.

Terimakasih @radjasalman @anroja @ernaerningsih @nazarul @muzack1 @el-nailul @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 dan seluruh steemian atas kunjungan dan bimbingannya



 4 years ago 

Welcome to steemit @wiwikchang. Success. Congratulations on submitting your achievement 1. Achievements within this platform are very important to our development.There are interesting communities to publish and participate in contests. The recommendations of the representatives are very important. To Food, I recommend steemfoodsTo write, Writing & Reviews Community.Steemit NurseryThis is a community for you, like Steemit Newborn, to be accompanied at the beginning of your trip on Steemit.For photography, the World of Xpilar Community hosts many photography contests. Follow @steemitblog for the latest updates and news about steem and @steemingcurators for the Steem Community contest and challenges. Notice Board of Newcomers.


The Diary GameThe Diary Game.
Steem FoodsSteem Foods.
Music For SteemMusic For Steem.
World Of XpilarWorld of Xpilar
Writing&ReviewsWriting & Reviews
Steem NurserySteem Nursery
Steem GeographySteem Geography
Notice Board of NewcomersNotice Board of Newcomers.
World of PhotographyWorld of Photography

#onepercent #venezuela

 4 years ago 

Selamat bergabung di steemit bu wiwik andriani @wiwikchang

 4 years ago 

Makasih pak fadli

@wiwikchang Welcome to Steemit Community!

For a great start! We would like to invite you to join Newcomers Community. There is a program where you will go through a series of achievements and completing some tasks so you get to learn more about this great platform. For a start, please check out this post by @cryptokannon: Newcomers Achievement Program.

Do Not Forget To Follow @steemitblog & Twitter(Steemit) To Get The Latest Updates.

Member: Steeming India Community

 4 years ago 

Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung bersama kami di sini. Salam kenal. 😊

 4 years ago 

Terimakasih..salam kenal jg...

 4 years ago 

Hi @wiwikchang!! Welcome to Steem Community! I hope you enjoy #steemit.

I'd like to invite you to join Newcomers Community. There is a program where you will go through a series of achievements and completing some tasks so you get to learn more about this great platform. For a start, please check out this post, @cryptokannon will guide you!!

There are many growing communities here that you may want to join.

For knowing about different places, Steem Geography

For music, check out Music For Steem 🎵 .

For writing, Writing & Reviews Community.

Steemit Nursery is a community for you, as Steemit Newborn, to be accompanied at the beginning of your Steemit journey.

For photography, World of Xpilar hosts many photography contests.

Please follow @steemitblog for the latest update and news on steem and @steemingcurators for Steem Community contest and challenges.

Have a nice day!

The Steemit Team

 4 years ago 

Terimakasih telah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 1, dukungan kurasi akan diberikan pada postingan aktif.
