Mata uang crpto mulai membaiksteemCreated with Sketch.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, eth, etc. have recently declined, but this has already seen an increase ... it's good news because it looks like the crypto currency is going to recover! very happy.
Analysis of the percentage is a lot of green .... for friends who want to buy shares, you can buy it now before, it goes up to the sky, because it's cheap while it's cheap .... let's attack.


Terima kasih

Mata uang crypto seperti Bitcoin ,eth,etc dll belakangan ini sangatlah menurun ,tapi ini sudah terlihat lagi kenaikan nya ...sungguh kabar yang gembira karena sepertinya mata uang crpto mau pulih kembali !seperti gambar dibawah ini yang mulai naik ...horee saya sangat senang.

Analisa persen nya banyak yang hijau ....bagi teman teman yang mau ,beli saham bleh beli dari sekarang sebelum ,ia naik setinggi langit ,karena ini selagi murah ....ayo serbu.😎


Terima kasih