
I am not sure what I have just read. I think that these are not related objects. Or, are they?

But, this is probably a contest entry if I am not mistaken. Anyway, I agree with you regarding the amount of energy that air conditioners consumes. But, I don't agree in regards to the noise as it is a constant thing and people who use air conditioners are probably use to it by now.

#wewrite #comment
Cc. @aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty

 4 days ago 

uSe YOur ImaginaTion!

 3 days ago 

Gracias por comentar la publicación

 3 days ago 

Hola amiga, publicaste tu participación de la dinámica en la comunidad incorrecta.

 2 days ago 

Gracias amiga, de verdad no me di cuenta que seleccioné la comunidad equivocada.