Contest // Topic of the week №40 // Happy Birthday Bitcoin!
¡Bienvenidos a una nueva entrada en mi blog gente linda de Steemit!
Welcome to a new entry of my blog pretty Steemit people!
Last week I told you what I would do if I won a bitcoin and this time he celebrated his birthday thanks to @slon21veka 🥳🥳🥳🥳, I didn't know how to give my congratulations so I thought of a poem to honor him:

Feliz Cumpleaños Bitcoin 🎉 | Happy Birthday Bitcoin 🎉
Bitcoin Bitcoin, you are a pioneer in the creation of today's virtual currency concept.
Para la celebración de tu cumpleaños hoy, te regalo estas rimas que escribí desde mi corazón, entre ofertas y demandas se debate el precio hoy, de la moneda virtual por la cuál danzamos hoy.
For the celebration of your birthday today, I give you these rhymes that I wrote from my heart, between offers and demands the price is debated today, of the virtual currency for which we dance today.
A mi madre yo le digo, no le temas a la wallet sólo compra las monedas, y yo me encargo de seguirlas, Para conseguirte el mejor precio y se multiplique el dinero que tanto esfuerzo pusiste para obtenerlo.
To my mother I say, don't be afraid of the wallet, just buy the coins, and I will follow them, to get you the best price and multiply the money that you put so much effort to get it.
Ojalá pudiera devolver el tiempo y comprar muchos Bitcoin, ya que mi vida seria distinta y llena de emoción.
I wish I could turn back time and buy a lot of Bitcoin, as my life would be different and full of excitement.
Nadie puede detenerte ya que estás en todos lados y no falta mucho tiempo para que el mundo sea reajustado.
No one can stop you since you are everywhere and it won't be long before the world is reset.
I did what I could hahaha, it was really fun to make this poem, although I'm really bad at this kind of stuff but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to participate and try to do something different, I'd like to invite @teretiti @fariasrouse @marinave to join in.
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