I took this picture with oppo 11 pro mobile
How are your friends? I hope everyone is well and I am well too. Today I have come to participate in a paper craft contest organized by @shiftitamanna maam, For this, I want to thank her for organizing such a beautiful contest. In addition, the month of Ramadan is slowly leaving us. I feel very sad at the farewell ceremony of the month of Ramadan and we have come to the end of Ramadan. However, today I will present a Ramadan craft made in this month of Ramadan, which I made completely with paper and its Ramadan club is very beautiful to look at. Details are below.
✅ Present your paper craft to us in at least 4 steps.
🌙 paper
🌙Cardboard paper
🌙 A pencil
🌙Glue and
🌙 Scissors
The Process of craft
Step 01
To make the Ramadan Craft, first I drew a big moon on cardboard paper with a pencil, then I cut out the moon part well with scissors,
Step 02
then I took a blue coloured paper and placed the cardboard moon on it, then I cut the blue paper to the right size, glued the blue paper on the cardboard, and wrapped it well.
Step 03
Then I cut the yellow paper into three sizes. Then I will fold a yellow paper well.
Step 04
Then I will cut the folded paper thinly wrap it well with glue and make it all like this. It will look like a flower stalk. Then I will cut six orange papers to the same size.
Step 05
Then I will wrap them well and cut them in the shape of a flower and the middle, I will take a small yellow paper and glue it. Then I cut yellow and blue coloured paper to size, seven.
Step 06
Then I wrapped the blue coloured paper well around and made a slightly high printed wire shape. In this way, I wrapped seven pieces of paper well and made a star shape.
Step 07
Then I cut four pieces of yellow coloured paper thinly. Then I took the thin yellow paper and star-shaped flowers And I also took glue.
Step 08
Then I glued the star-shaped papers one by one on four long pieces of paper. Then I glued a flower on top of the paper moon.
Step 09
In this way, I glued all the flowers and flower buds one by one. Then I glued the lines made like the sun on the bottom of the moon.
Step 10
Then my special craft for Ramadan was ready.

My selfie with the craft

✅ How did you get the idea of making paper craft?
Since the month of Ramadan is currently going on, check out today's contest. I have prepared some special cups for the occasion of the month of Ramadan, which I can present during the month of Ramadan. So, with the holy moon of Ramadan, I have created my craft today, which I have tried to create as a suitable craft for Ramadan.
✅ Briefly tell us how you felt while making the papercraft
Since I said earlier that I would make this for the occasion of Ramadan, I enjoyed making it for the occasion of Ramadan because I really enjoyed making this craft with the month of Ramadan in mind and the month of Ramadan currently underway, and I always enjoy making something for a special day, like I did today.