SLC22-W6 // "Donuts"🍩

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago

SLC22-W6 // "Donuts"🍩

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Greetings Dear Steemit,,

Donuts🍩 are a popular sweet treat. They are a delicious food made from yeast dough. People of all ages, from young to old, love donuts. Today, in the last week of steemit Learning Challenge Season 22, I got to come across my favorite tiffin. Although I have previous experience in making donuts, I learned a lot more about donuts in this week's course conducted by two of my favorite teachers from the Pastry Team, @lirvic and @dasudi mam. It added a new experience for me. After today's pastry course, I came to submit my homework.

My homework is as follows.

mine.PNG✓ Have you ever made donuts? Tell us about your experience. mine.PNG

Yes, I have made donuts before. I used to buy and eat different types of donuts for tiffin in my school and college life. Currently, I have learned to make donuts to give to children for tiffin. Although the process of making donuts is time-consuming, it is not too much hassle to make. I love handmade donuts very much. And I liked making today's donuts even more. It is very easy and fun to make sweet😋 and attractive donuts by frying them with yeast in oil. The experience of making it was very good.

mine.PNG✓ Which are your favorites, glazed, sugared or filled?mine.PNG

I love all kinds of donuts. But glazed donuts are my favorite; their simplicity and sweetness are always appreciated. Again, the chocolate frosting and glaze are easy to make, and the result is a wonderful donut topped with chocolate balls. So it is difficult for me to put any one donut on my list of favorites.

mine.PNG✓ Create a donut recipe. You can make the recipe presented in this course or the recipe of your choice (details utensils, ingredients and step by step).mine.PNG

It is very easy to make your own donuts for your loved ones in big food stores. It is difficult to find a child or an old man who does not like very interesting donuts. Learn the easy and perfect recipe for making funny, umami, delicious and beautiful donuts.

First, I will show you the process of making yeast.


1.One teaspoon of yeast, 2. Warm water - half a cup of milk, 3. Sugar - half a cup ,4. Salt - a little.

Process of making yeast.

- First, take lukewarm milk and mix yeast, salt and sugar in it. After mixing, let it sit for 20 minutes.



Now, let's see the process of making the dough.


1.Flour—two cups, 2.set east , 3.Melted butter—1/3 cup, 4. Egg—one, 5. Oil for frying—as needed.

Process of making the dough.

  • Break an egg and mix it with the flour. Now mix the melted butter with the flour well.

  • At this stage, pour the yeast mixture with the flour little by little and mix all the ingredients well. To make the dough perfectly, the flour mixture needs to be mixed well.

  • Once the dough is ready, place it in a bowl, cover it with a lid and leave it in a warm place for an hour. I heated the oven, turned it off and left it there. Because the weather here was cold today.

  • Once the dough has risen, it needs to be kneaded for a while.

  • Now make a loaf of bread that is half an inch thick. Cut out the donut shape of your choice and cover it with a cotton cloth and leave it for half an hour.(I used a steel glass to cut the donuts. You can use any donut cutter if you want.)


  • Now fry the donuts in oil on medium heat for a while until they turn brown.

Now check the ingredients required to decorate the donuts.


Chocolate, candy balls, or icing sugar.

Decorate the donuts

  • Now melt the dark chocolate. And mix a little red color with the white chocolate.

  • Now dip the donut in the melted chocolate and roll the candy ball on top, the donuts are ready. I decorated them with a little colored chocolate. You can decorate the donuts according to your choice. Because the main attraction of the donut is its decoration.

mine.PNGInclude a handwritten identification sign with your donuts that contains your username and date .mine.PNG

"Some pictures of making donuts."


mine.PNG✓ Did you have any difficulties making your donuts?mine.PNG

I had to make the bread several times to keep the shape of the donut beautiful. Since the donuts puff up a lot, I had to be patient and cut the bread and put the donuts in the donut. Anyway, finally I was able to make the soft and delicious donut that everyone loves perfectly.

mine.PNG✓ Do you have any special tips for making donuts? Share them.mine.PNG

There are definitely some tips for making the perfect donut.

  • The ingredients used in the donut should be used in moderation.

  • We all know that the task of making a donut recipe is to make the perfect donut. You have to knead the dough as much as possible. If the donut is good, then the perfect donut will be ready.

  • It will take a long time to fry. You have to fry both sides of the donut for a long time on low heat and brown it.

  • Remember that the main attraction of the donut is the decoration. So decorate it as beautifully and beautifully as you like.

Hope you like the donut I made. Today Thank you all so much for enjoying my donut recipe.

I am inviting some of my respected and dear friends to participate in this interesting competition today, @mile16, @mireyalongart @suboohi, @raqueluchap77, , @vishwara, @sol02, @fannyescobar, @paholags .

#steemexclusive blog written by me.

Best regards @shikhurana
From #Bangladesh


Looks yummy! I'm sure it's delicious, and you have explained the preparation method well. Thank you so much for inviting... I wish you luck!

 2 months ago 

thank you dear for your best wishes.

 2 months ago 

Hola amiga
Gracias por la invitación a visitar tu post con esas ricuras de donas se ven súper buenas

Me encantaron esas combinaciones en los colores y se ve la suavidad .


Saludos querida gracias por la invitación. Te deseo mucho éxito en tu participación.

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Las donas de alguna u otra forma siempre me llevan a mi infancia, porque en el colegio o los cumpleaños veía que los niños amaban comerlas y, cuando yo decía que no me gustaba porque eran muy dulces, me decían que me estaba perdiendo la gloria jajajaja.

Te felicito por este trabajo que hiciste. Seguramente podrías tener mucho éxito teniendo un negocio de este postre.

Mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


Hola amiga

Me encantaron tus donas sobre todo los colores que usaste para el glaseado se ven espectacular y esponjosas

 2 months ago 

Thank you dear ma'am, we fall in love with donuts mainly by looking at their decoration, then tasting them.

 2 months ago 

Great post. The entire process of making donuts is described so beautifully that reading it feels like making it yourself. As interesting as your donuts look, your creativity in the use of colors in glazing and decorating is truly admirable.

 2 months ago 

Thanks bro, the main attraction of the donut is its decoration. Thank you very much for the appreciation.

Your donuts look so delicious with their stunning appearance and the color of the glaze is very attractive. Good luck.

The donuts are beautiful yes everything is good I am happy to be able to see your recipe step by step I will try it one day friend thank you very much

Good luck friends