Betterlife||The diary game|| 12-01-25 “I spent a very busy day with the LMC8.4 camera, whether it was photography or work.”

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hello My dear friends, I hope everyone is well? Alhamdulillah! I am also well with your prayers and love.

I am @sheikhtuhin

From #Bangladesh

Dear friends, I have almost stopped writing about my daily activities lately.However, over time, many plans for daily activities have remained in my memory and I have carefully kept them in the gallery.Today I am back with those topics. Today I will write about the activities of the whole day on January 12, 2025. Although the pictures of the activities of the whole day were not taken in that way, I will write as much as possible.

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Like every day, this morning started differently for me. I am addicted to photography and am currently trying hard to fix my LMC camera.I tried for several days before but it wasn't possible, but today I'm not giving up easily, so I'm doing a lot of research on the LMC camera.Obviously, I have to go somewhere today, so I'm thinking a lot about that right now.

Today I will go to bring my niece to our house.But since morning, there has been a lot of activity at our house, and at the same time, we have been sitting in one place since morning because some of the sweet sunshine has come into our backyard on this winter morning.I've been very busy these past few days and have had some time to work on Steemit, so I'm posting more on this side.

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My nephew, father, and mother are all busy with the fish brought from the market.My mother was cutting fish, and there was also a picture of my mother with it, but my mother follows religious rules, so I couldn't publish her picture, so I cropped the picture and published only her hand here.

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Then a cat came into our yard and I got busy taking pictures of it. Himu, I can take a picture of a cat with a little effort.Since these were my camera experiments, I couldn't take very good pictures and I was testing it to see if I could take a nice picture after zooming in from a distance.I was testing the authenticity of the camera and the resolution of the camera through this.
We'll be picking up my niece in a little while, so I told my nephew to get ready.She got ready in no time as I told her without saying a word and my older sister helped her a lot to get ready and my older sister always takes care of her.In a short while, he finished getting ready and started doing his own work.

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After the letter was sent, I tried to take some pictures of him and the pictures looked very beautiful to me.It's not that good, but I feel much better because I was able to take very nice pictures.After finishing everything, I left the house with a lot of preparation.

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After going there, I tried to take a nice picture under the open sky with my head and the open sky.One thing I realized is that with this effect of the LMC camera, the sky becomes as beautiful as possible and the sky becomes blue.


Like today so far, but in the coming days I will appear with new writings, Insha'Allah. Everyone will take care of their health and try to keep their relatives happy.

Thank you very much everyone

AndroidRedmi 10C
Camera5 MP f, 48 MP b/2.2, Primary Camera 📸
LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩
Short by@sheikhtuhin
 2 months ago 

MashaAllah, you had a wonderful day with your loved ones.

 2 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

আমাদের সাথে আপনার সুন্দর নিবন্ধটি ভাগ করার জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ. আশা করি আপনি সক্রিয় থাকবেন এবং সবার সাথে যোগাযোগ বজায় রাখবেন কমেন্ট করার মাধ্যমেv। আপনার যদি কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকে যা আপনি জানতে চান বা কোনো সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হন, সাহায্যের জন্য আমাদের ডিসকর্ড সার্ভারে যোগ দিন। আমরা সবসময় এখানে ব্যবহারকারীদের সেবা প্রদানের জন্য সক্রিয় থাকি। এবং আপনাকে আমাদের সাপ্তাহিক অনলাইন হ্যাঙ্গআউটে অংশগ্রহণের জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হচ্ছে। আমাদের ডিস্কর্ড সার্ভারে জয়েন হতে নীচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন...

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Club Status5050
 2 months ago 

আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ জানাই এবং কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করি। আমার পোস্টটি ভেরিফাই করার এবং আমাকে গাইডলাইন করার জন্য সব সময় আপনাদের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ। নতুন থেকেই আপনাদের এমন দিকনির্দেশনার কারণে এই পথে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার সাহস পাচ্ছি।

 2 months ago 

Thanks for sharing your beautiful moment with us. I really enjoyed your post. You wrote very well. All the best.

 2 months ago 

Thank you.But please try to refrain from posting the same comment in a second place.I noticed that you used one comment in two places to encourage me.Still, I would like to express my gratitude for liking my registration.