The diary game. (19-12-2024).Make an exception.

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago


Assalamu Alaikum.
I am @shariful42. From #Bangladesh.

Hi friends, how are you? I hope you are well. Alhamdulillah, I am very well. Today has been a little different for me than the previous days. Let me share with you how my day went today.
Today I woke up early in the morning. The first thing I did after waking up was to pray Fajr. After praying, I came back and slept for a while. I woke up around 7 am and had breakfast. After breakfast, I wanted to study a little today after a long time. So that was the idea. I didn't delay and immediately sat down to read. The first thing I thought about was what to read. Suddenly I remembered that a few days ago I had taken a Hadith book online.


A few days ago, I bought some Hadith books from online, which are currently the most popular in Bangladesh. Among the books are Raheequl Maktum, Shamaile Tirmidhi, Al Azkar, Tashahhud and Self-Purification, At Tibul Nabawi, and several other small Hadith books. Let us present the books to you.
First of all, let us come to the book of Hadith Raheequl Maktum. And the author of the book Raheequl Maktum is Allama Shafiur Rahman Mubarak Puri. This Raheequl Maktum is the famous best biography book of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which won the first prize out of 1182 manuscripts. The complete biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been beautifully presented in this book. The geographical location and tribes of Arabia, a brief overview of the Arabian Jahili society, Makkan life, prophethood and mission, Jihad of invitation, public invitation, the hardship of deeds, the invitation of Allah, Isra and Miraj, Madani life, the Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, the Battle of Jaturrika, the Battle of Mutar, the conquest of Mecca, the Battle of Tabuk, etc., all the topics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have been beautifully presented in this book.
Tashauf and Self-purification. The author of the book is Allama Justice Taki Osmani. What is the explanation of the solution to the various problems of our daily life in the light of the Quran and Hadith. How can we live from excess and separation and adopt the path of this world according to Islamic teachings, how can we live a happy life so that we can achieve peace in the day and the world, these issues have been mentioned in it according to Islamic solutions.
Al-Azkar. The author of this book is An-Nabawi (may Allah have mercy on him). All the reliable prayers, zikir, ruqyah and deeds narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him) in every phase of life from birth to death have been beautifully illustrated in this book. Intention, sincerity, deeds, zikir, daily prayers, ablution, Azan Imamat, our complete discussion, morning and evening prayers, beautiful names of Allah, Quran recitation, prayers and azkar suitable for different contexts of life, etc. are included in this book.
At-Tibbun Nabawi. The author of this book is Imam Ibnul Qayyim Jawzi (may Allah have mercy on him). The treatment methods of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have been mentioned in this book. The instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for curing diseases of the heart, the description of treatment with natural medicines, treatment with a combination of medicines, the food and medicines mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and other detailed treatments for various diseases have been mentioned in this book.
While reading some parts of each book, I did not notice when it was noon. I do not read these books while reading ordinary books regularly. Today, I read these Islamic books after a long time, so my day is passing a little differently. I took a bath in the afternoon and finished eating and drinking.




After finishing eating and drinking, I slept for a while, and the time after waking up was spent a little differently. At home, the responsibility of decorating my cousin's body with turmeric fell on my shoulders. What else to do! When the responsibility falls, it has to be fulfilled. Finally, I decided to decorate my body with turmeric from the afternoon to the evening. Then I prayed Isha. This is how my day passed in an exceptional way.

Everyone stay well, stay healthy, see you again with my new post.
Thank you all so much for reading my post.

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

আমাদের সাথে আপনার সুন্দর নিবন্ধটি ভাগ করার জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ. আশা করি আপনি সক্রিয় থাকবেন এবং সবার সাথে যোগাযোগ বজায় রাখবেন কমেন্ট করার মাধ্যমেv। আপনার যদি কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকে যা আপনি জানতে চান বা কোনো সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হন, সাহায্যের জন্য আমাদের ডিসকর্ড সার্ভারে যোগ দিন। আমরা সবসময় এখানে ব্যবহারকারীদের সেবা প্রদানের জন্য সক্রিয় থাকি। এবং আপনাকে আমাদের সাপ্তাহিক অনলাইন হ্যাঙ্গআউটে অংশগ্রহণের জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হচ্ছে। আমাদের ডিস্কর্ড সার্ভারে জয়েন হতে নীচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন...

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পরামর্শ প্রদানের জন্য ধন্যবাদ। আমার সাহায্যর প্রয়োজন হলে আমি অবশ্যই আপনাদেরকে অবহিত করব।

Thank you so much Team #4 for supporting me.

 3 months ago 

বিয়ে বাড়িতে খুব সুন্দর এবং মজার মাধ্যমে দিন কাটিয়েছেন। আসলে বিয়ে এবং সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান আমাদের জন্য যেন একটি উপহার। আমরা প্রচুর পরিমাণ খাবার খেয়ে থাকি এবং আনন্দ করে থাকি। যেটা আমরা সকল দিনে উপভোগ করতে পারিনা।
পোষ্টের জন্য আমি শুভ কামনা করি

Thank you.