"My advance preparations for Eid-ul-Fitr"
Hello Steemit friends,
How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Steem For Bangladesh brought by the honorable Moderator @mdkamran99 bro. The name of the Contest is "My advance preparations for Eid-ul-Fitr". Thank you Steem For Bangladesh, for bringing this beautiful contest to us.
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✅ Why is the month of Ramadan important for Muslims? Explain with some important sentences.
The month of Ramadan is a holy and very important month for the Muslim community. As a Muslim, we always want to please the Almighty Allah by following all his commands. From that point of view, the month of Ramadan is the best month.
Regarding the month of Ramadan, the Almighty Allah has announced that those who observe the fast of the month of Ramadan will be rewarded with special rewards by Allah. What greater blessing can there be for sinful servants like us?
In the last week of the month of Ramadan, there is the night of Laylatul Qadr. This night is a night better than a thousand years. Allah has given special value to this night. On this night, if a servant asks the Almighty Allah for his sins with the right intention, Allah will judge him. We get the vision of such a night in this month.
The Holy Quran was revealed to us in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, this month also carries special importance from that point of view.
If you do a good deed or perform a worship during the month of Ramadan, the merciful Allah increases its reward by 70%.
- In short, the month of Ramadan is a month for Muslims to please Allah.
- A month to measure our sins.
- A month to correct our mistakes.
- A month to understand the suffering of others.
- The month of mutual brotherhood. This month carries so much importance in our lives that I cannot finish saying it.
✅ What do you mean by Eid al-Fitr and why is this Eid important for Muslims?
In religious terms, Eid ul Fitr means the joy of breaking the fast. Generally, Eid ul Fitr is a celebration of joy after observing a long month of fasting. Eid ul Fitr is one of the two main religious festivals for the entire Muslim community. On this day, everyone expresses joy according to their ability. The special Eid prayers start in the morning, good food is prepared, the young people wear new clothes and greet the elders, and in return, the elders reward them with Eid gifts. We spend the day walking around in groups, exchanging dabs with everyone.
This day carries special importance for the Muslim community. On this day, there is no distinction between rich and poor. We all feel that we are servants of one God and there is nothing to be proud of.
By treating each other well, we seek the pleasure of the Almighty Allah.
✅ Are you excited to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr? Tell us about your preparations for this Eid.
Yes, I am always eager to celebrate this day of Eid ul Fitr. If we have to name a month that we think about every day of the twelve Arabic months, it is the month of Ramadan. After starting Ramadan, we eagerly wait for Eid ul Fitr to come at the end of the month of fasting.
We make many plans around that day. Such as buying new clothes for our parents, siblings, wearing new Punjabi, pajamas, shoes for ourselves, and going to the Eid Gao field with a hat on our heads to offer prayers.
The day before that, there is a lot of speculation about whether the new moon will rise to celebrate Eid or not. Waiting for hours on our roofs to see the moon is also a preparation for celebrating Eid.
The preparations I usually make for Eid are: -
- I arrange new clothes for everyone in the family. I also shop for myself as much as I can.
- I prepare delicious food so that everyone can eat the special food of Eid. I enjoy the joy of seeing the Eid moon with my children.
- I make various preparations including participating in the Mehndi festival with everyone.
✅ Who will you share this special time with?
Eid is a day of sharing happiness. On this day, it is not checked who is poor and who is rich. Everyone rejoices in the joyful atmosphere. I also celebrate the happiness of Eid in different ways.
- I offer Eid prayers with my son in the morning.
- I give Eid gifts to small children.
- I meet the elders and seek their blessings.
- I go to the graveyard to pray for my deceased parents and relatives.
- I meet my neighbors and exchange views.
- There are fun food arrangements all day long, which I share with everyone.
- I celebrate this day by going out with friends in groups.
✅ Are you planning to go somewhere special for Eid? If so, tell us about the place.
Eid means a day of joy. Especially children enjoy special joy on this day. I also want my child to be happier. My child's joy means my joy. So, to make him happy, I will take him to an eco-park on the day of Eid. There, he will enjoy riding on various rides. A wild joy will appear in his eyes. I will also be happy seeing that joy. I will consider my life worthwhile.
The eco-park has been built next to the river. As a result, the joy of the eco-park will become one with the beauty of the river.
I will breathe in the pure air of the river with my mind filled and my child will enjoy the fun of the eco-park. This is how I want to spend the day.
I would like to invite three of my friends:-
It was very nice to know all the activities of your Eid preparations and also you mentioned the month of Ramadan as a holy month where sins are forgiven and for every good deed there is 70 times more reward. Allah Almighty Himself gives a beard and it is a true and very good way. In this month we can do more worship to forgive our sins. Also you organize it along with various events. It was very nice of you. Best wishes to you.
@adriancabrera, thank you so much for selecting my article to give your valuable support.