Roasted Khichuri Recipe.
Hello dear, Friend's
I'm @sahidfarabee from #Bangladesh.
How are you all friends? I hope you are well and healthy by the grace of God. I am also fine by the grace of Allah. I love to share new posts with you every day. We see a variety of posts in this community, all of us sharing our favorite topics that everyone likes. I especially like cooking recipes because many of us can learn a lot from them. Khichuri is one of the favorite dishes of everyone this winter. Khichuri can be cooked in different ways but today I have cooked a fun khichuri very easily with few ingredients. All of us have these few ingredients in our house with which we can cook ally khichuri and it is more sadhu to eat.
Recipe final look
Recipe Ingredients
Sugar powder rice
garlic paste
turmeric powder
Chilli powder
Cumin powder
Coriander powder
bay leaf
Soybean oil
Cooking Khichuri In the morning, I prepared the ingredients nicely and kept them aside. Now for cooking Khichuri, first I put oil inside the pan. When the oil is hot, add chopped onions and chilies and fry it a little red.
Now inside the fried onion I will add some whole hot masala to give a good aroma.
Now add all the powdered spices and fry for a while.
I will think about it for a while with the cut potatoes when the market is in the market for a while.
If the potatoes are fried, I will add the washed rice dal together and think for a while.
I kept some hot water for cooking khichuri, now I will add hot water to give some quantity.
Reduce the flame of the stove and cook for 10 to 15 minutes to get roasted khichuri.
Last step
At the end of the day, a flat can only be decorated beautifully.
Friends, today I have presented the cooking recipe to all of you, I hope you will like it.