Photo edit by canva

Hello Stimian friends, how are you all? I hope everyone is well by the grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah, I am also well with your prayers and love. Welcome to my new post. Today I have come to you with a new recipe. I hope everyone will like my recipe. So let's get started....
Sajane data is a very popular vegetable among many people. This vegetable has been in the market for quite some time now.Sajane data is available in the market from late spring. Sajane data is a vegetable full of many nutrients.Sajane leaves are called super food. Sajane data can be used to make various recipes.The most well-known recipes are Sajane Datar Jhol with potatoes and Sajane Datar curry with lentils and sajane.Today I will share with you the step by step recipe of Sajane Datar Jhol with. If you follow the step by step recipe of Sajane Datar Jhol I have prepared, you too can cook it easily.
Sl. No. | Ingredients | Quantity |
01 | SajaneData | 250 gm |
02 | Potato | 2 pitches |
03 | Onion choppe | 1 cup |
04 | Green chili | In moderation |
05 | Mustard | In moderation |
06 | Garlic choppe | In moderation |
06 | Garlic choppe | In moderation |
07 | Cumin | In moderation |
08 | Salt | In moderation |
09 | Turmeric powder | In moderation |
10 | Soybean oil | In moderation |

Preparation method

First, I put a pan on the stove and added a generous amount of soybean oil. When the oil was hot, I added the chopped onion and lightly fried it.
I washed the chopped potatoes with clean water. When the onion turned light brown, I added the potatoes and fried them.
I washed the sajane data thoroughly with clean water and added the same amount of salt and turmeric powder to the fried potatoes and stirred them for some time.
After stirring for some time, I added mustard green chili cumin and garlic paste. I have mixed all the ingredients together well. I have mixed it in such a way that the sajina blends with the data and light.
I stirred the sajina data and spices together for some time, added enough water to it, and boiled it well.
When the water reduced a little, I took it off the stove and poured it into a bowl. In this simple method, I made a recipe for Sajane data Jhol with mustard.
Finally,I took a selfie with a sajane data broth curry with mustard.


Sajane data is very beneficial for the body. Sajane data contains a lot of iron, calcium and vitamins which increase the immunity of our body.Moreover, Sajane data also works to purify our blood.Sajane data contain a lot of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. If you have a cold, fever or cough, eating Sajane curry helps relieve fever and cough.It is a medicinal food even for high blood pressure patients.

I hope everyone will like my Sajane data Jhol recipe. Please share feedback through your lovely comments.

Photography Details
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Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)
Thank you for reviewing my post and for your valuable comments, Apu.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম আপু আশা করি আপনি আল্লাহর রহমতে সুস্থ আছেন এবং ভালো আছেন। আপনি খুব সুন্দর রেসিপি আমাদের মাঝে উপহার দিয়েছেন যেটি দেখতে দুর্দান্ত এবং চমৎকার। সাজনা ডাটা আমার খুব পছন্দ। আমি মাঝে মাঝে রান্না করে খাই তবে সরিষা বাটা দিয়ে সাজনা রান্না করলে খুব সুস্বাদু লাগে। তবে আপনার রেসিপিটি দেখে মনে হচ্ছে সুস্বাদু। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা। @mariyaafrin আপু
Walaikum Assalam Alhamdulillah Apu I am very well. Thank you very much for your nice comment on my post.