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RE: 📢 Contest - Happy Married Life VS Happy Single Life.

in Steem For Bangladesh2 years ago

No matter how good or bad times come in a person's life, after some time its intensity decreases for people. If you win the lottery, you will feel happy for a maximum of one year. Then you will become normal again mentally. The same happens in case of very bad or accidental accidents. This is hedonic adaptation. In the same way a man has many desires behind getting married. And after marriage people really feel happy for quite some time. But due to hedenic adaptation, within 6 months or a year, his happiness returns to normal level.i wish you my best my dear
Best regard @jannatmou

 2 years ago 

মূল্যবান মন্তব্যের জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রিয়