A Good Talk (stories)

At times I am up but mostly down
I am attached to you and we hold hands
You can find me at your side and I follow hastily if you are in a hurry.
I never stand still unless you stop and there's no light near to show my reflection.
Not once I asked you to do me a favour but you always seem to remember me
You carry me around and let me fly, take me out of the darkest forest
make me see the mountaintops and life.
You are the best friend ever and awesome.
Your friends are really cool and accept me each time I show up.
No one is scared to see me
Not even if I appear like a giant covering the biggest part of the forest, a mountain or the wall of a skyscraper.
Not once they said I am a monster, spitting fire and bringing bad luck.
I know, I know I can be huge
I can be bigger than you but I also shrink a minute later into a very tiny figure and change
from clear to see into a blurry one hard to recognise and disappear if we are about to have some fun.
I appear out of the blue, protect against the heat
I am the silent wallflower.
It's great to be part of you.
I feel very close and believe we are one of the same species.
We both show up on certain occasions
Like you, I jump and laugh for joy if we don't sleep.
Dragon, you are me and I am you.
You are my living shadow.
I feel so lucky to have your contours but..
I do have a question:
Can I take the lead for a change and you follow me and are my shadow?
- Dragon Finds Brother
- Dragon Delivers A Hug
- A Good Talk - Dragon & Shadow
- Potato Sack
- Food For Thought
- Dragon Meets Anxiety
- Dragon's Heart
- A Bright Night
- Best Holiday Ever
- A Dream Steem Silver Moonlight Story
- Bathtub Of Tears
- Bear With Me
- Not My Friend
- Hot Dip
The Tuesday prompt is shadow and part of #miner-wewrite (February 2025).
The pictures are mine and I won't share the link. You can make your own with bing.com/create
Dragon is alive. this is a trace for @ibesso
Maybe the dragon is not imprisoned; maybe it is just waiting for the right moment to emerge. The shadow that holds it is not a prison but a thin boundary between what is already visible and what has yet to take shape. Sooner or later, the dragon will lift its head, and the world will see it for what it truly is. 🌻♥️
Dragon is not imprisoned. She hops happily around, and the one who does the talking is Dragon's shadow.
Do shadows only appear if light is involved, or do they always exist no even if they are not noticed?
Does a shadow always follow, or can one follow his shadow?
What if the shadow is not just the reflection of what the light reveals, but also the memory of what the light cannot touch? The moon casts its shadow upon itself when it eclipses, yet it continues to exist—intact, silent. Is the dragon’s shadow its double, its echo, or the path that precedes it rather than follows?
You mean the shadow is the memory of the past? You love to dig deep don't you?
If we keep thinking this way more and more shadows pop up and in the end there's no Dragon left. That would really make me sad.
Does the moon casts it's shadow? Or is it the earth? Without earth there's no moon...
It's getting complicated.
How about I fill one box with love and in the other I put the shadows or the voices and Dragon can happily hop around without worries and spread happiness and joy together with the snake? Both great years to succeed and be creative.