Life Inside Isolation Facility When I Was Suffering From Covid 19.

I never thought of being infected by the deadly Covid19 virus. I don't know when and where I got it. It was April 10 when I experience body malaise and tiredness. I just ignored it because I was used to having it at times. I started to feel that cough and cold were starting.
It was April 12, 2021 when I felt that my cough was worsening and I felt I had a fever. I thought it was just a simple FLU that I was experiencing during that time. I told my wife to get a thermometer to take my temperature. My temperature was 38 degrees Celsius. With the cough and fever, these were symptoms of covid. My wife called a doctor she knew to consult about my situation. The doctor advice us to undergo RT-PCR Swab Test to know if I was positive or not with Covid19. I started wearing mask inside our house and separated my belongings that I frequently used. April 13, 2021 when we went to a hospital near our residence to have my scheduled swab test, but the swab testing was temporary closed. We went searching for possible swab testing center, fortunately we found one. We paid 3,500 pesos for the swab test. I undergone the swab test and we were told that the result will be released in 2 days time. April 13 and 14, I experience dry cough and my fever went up to 39 degrees Celsius. Whenever I slept, I was experiencing weird dreams, may be because of the high fever.
In the morning of April 15, 2021, We were waiting for the result to be emailed to me. During this time, I was experiencing not only cough and fever but also difficulty in swallowing, no taste and no smell. In my mind I was a bit convinced that the result will be positive, but still hoping it will be negative.
My phone rang, the person in the other side introduced herself as a doctor from our Municipality's Rural Health Unit or RHU. She said according to their tracker, I was tested positive of Covid19. She explained that I must be brought to an isolation facility with in our municipality so as to prevent the decease from spreading to my family. I agreed to be isolated and she said I will be picked-up by an ambulance to transfer me from our house to the facility. She also issued prescription through email, so that we can buy the medicines I needed before I leave.

My family was advised by the LGU to have 14 days quarantine. They will not be able to come out of our house, to prevent transfer of the virus in case they were infected.

In the morning of April 16, 2021, some of my friends and brethren called me to know my situation. Some of them offered support and help. They are all worried for me, what I just asked from them was to include me in their prayers. In the afternoon, a bag of fruits arrived from a brethren through the action center and MSWD. I was very thankful for the fruits he sent me. It was a big help because I was having difficulty of eating, while fruits were easier to swallow.
One of the most difficult situation I experienced was eating my food. Due to difficulty in swallowing and no taste, I need to eat only small portion of the food being delivered to us. I ate only small amount because If I will eat more, I felt I was going to vomit. So what I did is to eat in small amount every 2 hours. I needed to do it so that my body can gain strength to fight against the decease.
The night of April 16, I felt that I was starting to have difficulty of breathing. My cough was getting worst. I continue viewing Ang Dating Daan Mass Indoctrination in Youtube. I continue praying to God for my recovery and to save my family from having the virus. It was a difficult night for me because my fever still remained at 39.
I wake-up early the morning of April 17 to attend our Church's Worship Service through Zoom platform. I called my family at home to wake them up because they are accustomed that I was always waking them up. I only had few hours sleep but still managed to finish our Worship Service. I attended our church services through Zoom.
I took my morning medicine and took a nap after eating my breakfast. I felt my chest was getting heavier every time. I felt like something is pressing inside my chest. I took the medicines that I needed including the antibiotic that was prescribed to me. This will be the 3rd day taking the antibiotic because it was prescribed to be taken for only 5 days.
Although I was experiencing all these, I was able to take some sleep. I wake-up because the food for launch arrived. The person distributing the food from MSWD was very kind and accommodating although I kept myself away from him because he might get infected if I went too near to him. Still I was having difficulty of eating.
In the afternoon, I took my afternoon medicine and went to sleep again. I attended our Church's Thanksgiving at 5pm through zoom. At around 8pm, somebody was knocking at my door. I was slew to get up because I was having difficulty of breathing. I opened one of the window and I saw an ambulance and two man standing outside the door. The ambulance driver declared that the other man will be my companion inside the house I was staying. I opened the door, I said to them that there was no bed available inside. The ambulance driver took a folding bed and comfortable foam from the other facility. The other covid19 patient put the bed inside, the living room and kitchen area was very huge it can accommodate another person. He opted to stay there so that we will have distance to each other, while I still stayed in the room.
When I was alone, I don't wear mask because I was alone. Now that there was another person in the house, I was obliged to wear mask again. However, since I was having difficulty of breathing the mask was giving me a hard time. My breathing became more difficult. I finished watching our thanksgiving. I was able to sleep for 8 hours.

The whole day was fine and some of the symptoms started to lighten.
On April 19 my fifth day in the facility, My fever was gone, my cough was lessen and my breathing was better compared yesterday. I took the last dose of my antibiotic. I ate a biscuit that I carried with me when I went to the isolation. I thought it was just the first time since I have it was very delicious. I realized that my taste was back. When I ate my breakfast I was able to eat half of it.
From April 20 to 22, my condition was getting better everyday. My cough was slowly going away, no more fever and can eat plenty already. However, April 23 when small rashes appeared in my both my thighs, I immediately cleaned my bed and linens. When the nurse monitoring us everyday called, I reported the rashes. In the afternoon, the medicine for the rashes was delivered to me. I took the medicine for 2 days and the rashes was gone.

From April 24 to 26, I was able to recover from the decease and was scheduled to leave the facility morning of April 27 Tuesday. I was excited because I will be able go back to our house to be with my family. I was fetched by the same ambulance that brought me in the facility and brought me home safely. April 29, the quarantine period for my family was lifted and medical certificate was issued to my wife so she can go back to work the following week.
I thank God because no one in my family was infected. Now I am fully recovered from the decease. My body is getting stronger. I still take vitamins to protect me. I am very thankful to God that He touched my human body and healed me. He also spared my family from getting infected.
We need to be extra careful not to acquire the virus that is being transferred quickly from one to another. We need to follow health protocols being implemented by the government. However, we need to be prepared when we are infected. When symptoms are starting to appear we need not to be scared but seek professional health guidance even through online consultation. If the doctors asked us to immediately do swab test, we have to comply so that they can give us the right treatment and medications to prevent the illness to progress and become fatal.
There are instances that people with symptoms already, continue to deny that they might have covid19 and only seek medical help when the situation is already worst. Always remember that covid19 virus attack the respiratory tract and difficulty of breathing may get worst if not treated immediately and may cause death.
Once you feel that symptoms already is there don't be scared to be tested, it will help you get treatment immediately if you are infected. Most importantly always pray to GOD so that he will give His healing and mercy.
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The images I posted here is mine. This story is also posted in Hive.

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Thanks God, you have conquered Covid.
Yah I am really thankful to God!